no sir, still traveling abroad, i doubt ill get it it tbh. been focused on other stuff. sorry :p if i had skype convos on this computer id send,...
Looking to spend 40-80m on a 1 def obby pure with 1-16 attack 60+ str 1 def prayer 1-31 with 55 slayer and mith gloves quested. Post offers below
55m today lmk
Bump online for another 1 hour
bump offer away :)
shout out to this man, got me desert treasure done in 2 hours with 18 prayer rune pure!!! fast and easy, i paid first and he delivered! thank you...
Bump 40m for it today
sure man. it comes with all prev pass, creation date, isp etc..
thanks man i know i should, but been traveling a lot for work and just too busy. just trying to get rid of all accs so i dont have to worry about...