Amount of Gold being Purchased:3M Contact details Skype:GoldExchange. Will you go first or MM? You First.
[IMG] [IMG] Vouch Count:7 Vouch, traded me 1m 07 for 22m eoc, he went first. All went smooth, trade was very quick! Big vouch for Gold Exchange....
I'll buy it all Bro! Added you on skype.
Requesting Removal of my Trade With Caution!. I've done Plenty of trades that was Solely on my own with no Middleman Support. The Reason i...
Add my Skype: GoldExchange.
Ill buy it all
I'll buy it via UK Bank Transfer bro Add my Skype: GoldExchange.
My Skype is:GoldExchange I'm Interested message me on skype!
I'll Sell to you
Iv'e got 8 Vouches
I Sell.
I'll buy it all i added you.
I'll buy!
How much do you have
I'll buy it all Add me on skype:Goldexchane.
Get Skype so we can Talk.
[IMG] VOUCHES ONLY CONSIST OF TRADES & OTHER TYPES OF TRADES CURRENT VOUCHES:8 Vouch, traded me 1m 07 for 22m eoc, he went first. All went...
I have I'm speaking to you.