Contact my skype, xxtehunicorn I am taking visa gift cards or mastercards, I'm...
Add my skype swaggedoutlulu I will be asking for a pm I need a mm ASAP, Sorry for being demanding Thank you ^.^
I will give you this account, my skype: leagueoflegendtrader i'm willing to go...
i will give you this account or a EUW league card. $25 my skype leagueoflegendtrader
Level 30, has curling veig, rusty blitz, pax skins, My account, I will show skype screenshare, add my skype leagueoflegendtrader we will use mm...
add my skype, we'll proceed to use a middleman, if not, you go first. my skype is leagueoflegendtrader i am offering elo boost, or a lol account,...
Bump For sale. GOLD 3 ONLY FOR SALE
BumpBumpBumpBumpBumpBump still selling, Gold 3 is gold 2 now.
bump/tooshort, Account is still going on for sale! I don't want too much around 220 for both of em we'll discuss price!
Plat account is sold. Gold/Silver is left!
I AM ONLY ACCEPTING RSGP EOC OR 07/PAYPAL Using MM or VMM Hey guys, The plat has very little skins, so as champs. I will be showing the rune pages... Has rusty blitz! OLD SKin/Curling Veigar! Victorious Jarvan IV, Some more sexy skins!
I am selling Wins for duo eloboosting I am only boosting up to platinum 1 I charge $3/win for bronze I charge $4/win for silver I charge...
bumpbumpbumpbump/still selling
Bump/Bump/Bump, Buy quick!
Bump Bump Bump, This account is rare, has tons of good season 1 limited skins.