Yah it seems my sythe acc has been hacked but i wonder who the fuck would actually hack a no life like me. Dont worry man ill refund you when I...
selling 3m blood money for 07gp. add my Skype: sniperrex9
talking to u on Skype
current stock 2M blood money. only selling for 07gp. add my Skype: sniperrex9
talking to u on skype
Big Vouch for this fellow as he is super nice to talk as i rented out his max main and he genuinely patient when i get brain farts. I rented his...
Do you agree to the TOS? Yes How long would you like to rent for? 1 hour
Kinda Support. I agree that people gambling without funds shouldn't be gambling in the first place and how it easy for others to scam. I do not...
Profile: http://www.sythe.org/members/245638-tiemen.html I noticed he was banned and i like to just have this on the record. He did say he was...
Vouch. Lost enough money staking but it was all smooth and he was very easy to work with. Its been a pleasure.
1.Do you agree to the TOS =Yes 2.How long do you want to rent the account =2 hours 3.Did you add my skype =yes
One Big vouch to my bro, Niki. I rented out an acc for staking and even from the beginning he was always polite and easy to work with. I would be...
Do you agree to the TOS? Yes How long would you like to rent for? 2
I bought the Mass GoldFarming guide since i wanted to learn what to actually do. I gotta say my money was well spent into the guide as I used the...
1000 gl
5000 gl
2500 gl
added you on skype if you still need it
I appreciate all the advice given thanks guys.