Brought some ahk from him, nice and fast awesome guy :)
Sold 122m Zaros nice and fast as always
Sold 330m Zaros, went first no issues good guy
Sold 180m Zaros went first, no issues good guy :)
Sold 100m Zaros went first, nice and easy would sell again
Anti scammed 125m Zaros back, also sold zaros too great guy!
Scammed me 125m l0l
Vouch, Sold him 4b ssgp legit fast,
add me on skype Nupcase
UPDATE: Selling 300b Gp add my skype :Nupcase Title. Accounts. [img] [img] [img] [img] Rsgp/Paypal post bellow Also Selling some ssgp and...
over 500b atm add me on skype :Nupcase