I'll buy a vip for 6.50 but now I', trippin because randoms still havent been fixed and the mods of tribot have had the random ID's for over a...
Going to try this right now. Will report back.. ;)
Heard you have to delete the tribot cache idk how to do that on my VPS though lol
possible msn hack, since mods are frequent targets. But for real it probably was him abusing his powers
TOTAL SCAM you see how many problems wbot and tribot are having/had you think this bot just has all those built in scripts on lock? lol
Paying paypal 4$ PM me
Boxer acc 90/70/90 with 90 hp wrecks range boxer hard to make without soul wars I had an acc with 60range 99hp (then got 78 for morrigans) But in...
Website up, client page/login still down. No way to reboot vps without client login page as far as I know... every day I have to reboot my vps...
[18:46:34] Error occurred during initialization of VM [18:46:34] java/lang/UnsupportedClassVersionError: java/lang/ClassLoader : Unsupported...
Make thread when you have a bot btw your website is down
Got hacked rebuilding atm
Everything shit the bed
I want to get Paris in here and ask him how much $ he has made...
Free bot Gets popular DDOS Fail Ask for moneys Get shutdown by Jagex Win? Still a "sponsor" of wbot according to Google Checkout...
You Got Me!
pm me if you hear anything.. Mine is super laggy as well Grave is scheming us
I remember when scar was the only bot back in 06 along with rs demon or whatever it was the Chinese dudes used. That was the OG RS. Now with bots...
Yeah silk is only 20kp/hr, but flax is what 800flaxphr at 30ea now? So sadly they are comparable, then silk can be run for 10hours...
CANNOT WAIT for all of these updates too happen. All of the ones that look like they are going to pass are the ones that should
This questions is so stupid on so many levels. I like how you specify Mac as the difference in operating systems affects Gp/Per hour. The only...