Looking to buy some mills
Talking to you on skype right now.
Stats are as follows 1/85/1 1 prayer, 55 slayer, zammy book filled, mith gloves and 55 range and mage. Anyone take a guess what this would be...
Swaggernaut has reported a post. Reason:3 toxic 5 me woop woop. Post: Selling Alotic GP for 07 [5B in Stock!] Forum: Private Server Gold,...
Swaggernaut has reported a post. Reason:Hacked netflix accs Post: Selling netflix accounts [1$ for 10 accounts!] Forum: Digital Currency and...
Not allowed here.
Vouch, Swapped 24m eoc for 3m 07 of his. Thanks again for the trade.
Swaggernaut has reported a post. Reason:So very phishy, sounds like some fraud 500-1000 a day? Post: Looking for paypal holders for long term...
Account currently does not have membership, sorry.
Vouch, bought some BTC from him. Nice guy trade went quick and easy!
Btc-e rate?
Bump looking for $20-30 btc
Bump !!
Price Dropped To 4.5m 07 Gold. !!!!
tried using a fake mm with me as well.
Added you on skype, looking to purchase around 30m gold. My skype is skatermatt82 as requested.