I’ll offer $180
If you still have this at end of month I’ll offer $400
Would price are you looking for
Looking for main with 95+ slayer from trusted source £200 budget but could do more on payment plan
i offer $50 because of the risk of getting caught
messaged you on skype
i offer $20
4 99's thieving construction prayer firemaking OG 3 letter name donator $10 PM for details
OG Ikov 3 letter name will tell people name if serious about it pm me for skype
talking to you on skype now
big vouch for this guy did 1b ssgp i went first everything went smooth
buying 2b ssgp pm me for my skype
Want to buy 10-14m 07gp worth of ssgp
Looking to buy 3.4b for 34m eoc
ill buy 50m worth
add my skype luke.chucky ill buy abit or pm me with rates
add my skype if interested in selling me some arrav gp :D skype : luke.chucky got 110m rsgp to spend on this!
ill buy like 3b add my skype: luke.chucky
i have 80m rsgp to spend on battlescape gp post here
considering the ip would be checked and it would most likely be recovered nothing