Would you mind posting some proof? With the transaction amount and your name in a NotePad file. Thanks. ;D
Looking to buy some Amazon Order Numbers. If you have any, for pretty much anything please private message me for my Skype. Also include what...
I'll be reviewing my prices when I wake up. ;) Thank you.
Got my first sale from BigJoe. ^^ He'll have all his Followers within 24 Hours, and should be posting proof. Thank you.
MASSIVE Vouch for BigJoe. Sold him 10k Twitter Followers. Very surprised that he went first to me since I'm new. Top quality member!
Aah unlucky. Well if I have the money laying round, and someone posts proof, then I'll most likely buy! Thanks.
I have a skiller with 99 Smithing and more. Check my Price Check thread for more info.
I'm not going to trash your thread or cause any hate. At the moment the vouchers don't look top quality BUT if someone buys and they work with...
Welcome. I'll be providing a YouTube view service. Top quality views for low prices! It's simple. You pay, send me your video, wait 48...
I'll private message you my Skype! Thanks for being the first customer (if you are!) Hope to do business. Thank you.
99 Runecrafting in under 14 days! If you get this, I'll give you one free cookie. Support from me!
<3 Thanks a LOT. I hate doing the tutorial over and over again and maybe someone could turn this into a script?
Just a note: someone has embed'd it for you. Could add it to the post. ;)
I'd say wait another week or so. By then Jagex will have probably gotten rid of the gold and banned people. Leave it for a week and reduce the...
Added a new special offer. Buy 30k Twitter Followers for only $17! Save yourself a few extra $$$.
I thought it was 1 bump a day? You've bumped 5 times today haven't you? Anyway on topic. Good luck with selling.
Post Here. Amount of Vouch's: Vouch's:
Sweet. Thanks man ^^
I deliver all the Followers at once. Sorry. But you could pay half now, then half when the order is completed? Thank you.
got a level 18 skiller with the following 17mil 99 smithing 99 fletching 10 hp 60 defence smithing cape, hood, and t 80 cooking thanks