Finished firecape for me. Very fast and for a fair price. Would use again
Starting cape for me
I have 99 range 2 def 44 pray how much?
Amount of gold you need : 20M Payment method IDeal/Paypal/Skrill/Other : Paypal Have you contacted me : No
Posted in wrong section. Please close thread
Like title says looking for a firecape service I'm 99 range 1 def 44 pray 75 hp. Please PM me or post here.
Looking for somebody to do firecape for me as I tend to fail on jad. Account stats are 99 range 2 defence 75 hp 44 prayer will supply necessary...
I have an account I would potentially sell it has 70 attack 83 strength (and rising) 99 range 44 pray 50 mage 2 def and 75 hp. Combat level is 74...
Ranged Level: 99 Defence Level: 1 Prayer Level: 44 Skype:Str0wn Do you have IRC? no
Big vouch for dragon man swapped accounts with him the trade was very smooth I would do business with him again! :)
Sorting it out with Raggin now
Just like the title says any level 3 with a non-email login. Vet would be nice
I'll buy one added ur msn
Buying any level 3 with an original login (non-email) to make a skiller. PM me, post here, or add my msn in sig
Bump. Added both, no responses yet still selling all
Hey guys Str0wn here selling several 30 day gamecards for 15m each, and one 90 day gamecard eligible for scarecrow mask for 38m. You can PM me,...
I have one I'll sell for 38M. my MSN is in sig
Hey guys Str0wn selling a 90 day gamecard for the scarecrow mask. Add my msn in sig or post here if interested!
All out of game cards sorry, will restock soon in the meantime I can upgrade VIA credit card for those interested.
File a scam report with that picture and he will be banned.