im very interested, pmed you
im interested in buying this card! please pm me as soon as you are on =)
although was never able to buy an upgrade due to technical issues, this guy seems very patient and legit. someone i'd seem to trust.
1.Purchasing Amount/Kinds of Upgrades:1 rs gamecard 2.Pmed me your MSN/Added My Skype?(Yes/No):added your skype 3.Do u agree with...
talking to williscool atm
this is how you tell a scammer btw.. just a heads up =D
sent skype request
bummppp.. have about 1.3b now..
watch out guys, wanted me to go first than gave me fake username and pass and logged out of skype, luckily i wouldnt give him gp
pmed you back, sorry was afk
ill give you 10m rsgp?
im talking to jason atm
i have some if you want to buy?? pm me if interested
hey added you on skype
will pay 5.5m rsgp, please pm me when your on
bump... 40m a/w
Terra Firma has reported a post. Reason:spamming about prices Post: Buying SSGP Forum: Runescape Private Server Markets Assigned Moderators:...
Terra Firma has reported a post. Reason:spamming about prices on other forums Post: selling 1.4b ssgp for rsgp Forum: Runescape Private...
i can do 1:110