bought csgo knife skin for $280 through btc using mm nice and smooth
Buyers Discord: Sisman#3607 Buyers Discord UiD: 135920397647347712 Sellers Discord: blakninja#2399 Sellers Discord UiD: 138095861929345024 Type of...
massive vouch, sold 2858m osrs for bitcoin fast and easy. Rasmuss walked me through how to use coinbase for the transaction
vouch fast and reliable as always.
Vouch, quick service. Wish there wasnt a limit on paypal but i understand
bought an infernal cape, Pink Clay is so good at inferno its insane.
added on disc
transfered 214.3m from osrs to rs3 and sold 237m osrs gp, all done in one trade, received rs3 gp and paypal $ within 5-10 minutes.
sold 450m rs3. got my money qithin 2 minutes.
bought 110m gold
sold 88m received money very fast.
sold 105m osrs, received payment within 2-3 mintues.
i quit like 3-4 months a go so it lost all the req. 1.2b total xp, 200m mage, 120 herblore with 16000 ovl (4) in bank and 500 super overload pots....
vouch sold 1154m received my money instantly
im talking to u
sold him 40m, whole process took 5 minutes got my money very quickly.
i'm talking to you on skype right now.
Account number: 19 Offer: EOC 110m negotiable idk what accounts are worth Msn/skype: berkay.sisman