This guy is a boss. Fearless.
.73 on purple
Sent you a PM.
I'd like to purchase 400-600m. MSN: [email protected]
Do cheaper/free copies for the first few sales? It seems too good to be true.
I'm looking to buy bulk RSGP or rares for fairly good prices depending on the rare and its current street price. Add my MSN:...
I can talk you through it if you PM me your MSN to avoid spamming this forum.
Here are my prices: 150-250m -> $0.63/m 251-500m -> $0.66/m 501m+ -> $0.70/m Form Amount: Price: My MSN is the following: I agree to the terms:...
Do Not Trade With Him
I'll write a nice review for a free copy to help you get things going :)
I'd review a free copy :)
[IMG] :O
I guess 69. By the way, I wouldn't buy a guide off someone who can't even spell guarantee.
Why do you have 3 vouches off the same person? [IMG]