LF Anime Names
I always hear of bugs like duping items, or money and stuff like that. but i hear about them after they get patched. so what im saying is, is...
Hey sythe, im really new to botting. so i dont know which bots are legit/good. ive been hearing of a bot with a script called "iDungeon" whats the...
Vouch for Bowser, bought 2 names from him fast and easy less then 5 minutes. Awesome.
Bid 30m
I also added you on msn.
I will buy halo 2 and 3 for 15m i pm'd you
5m bid
[IMG] i was just wcing, then this happened da fuq?
Hello everybody, today i am here to show you the project ive been working on for the last 2 days, a Rs AutoTyper, this typer is High quality, and...
saradomin strike
65 currently
Hey guys i just finished the mage arena mini game on my polypore staff pure :D, now i just have to get 80 mage and 35 hp. [IMG]
i notice today that a guthans box set went up 506k, how long do u think it will keep rising for, should i buy a couple sets?
ive been trying to get this thing for a while and then earlier today BAM it dropped. [img]
not that long, i had to get those skills for a void stares back, and it took maybe 5 hours. for the smithing do mithril scimitars(or what ever...
everyday i usually go to green dragons and kill people with my handcannon, but i have notice the people killing green drags all drop the same...
looking for 10-20m, it has recovery's and email but those will be removed upon purchase [IMG]
Vouch, bought a strength pure from him :) he was really fast with delivery
Account #2 750k? my msn is: [email protected]