Yeah. I had a Toshiba before this one, but than I had to get a new laptop for my Study. All m classmates told me how good Asus was, and here on...
Here's one, but it's still pretty expensive..
Allright, you got some nice replys already. Currently I have an Asus N55SF with a slight customization. I bought i for around 850€, so...
Beats are overpriced, and so will these be. Period.
[IMG]"][IMG][/URL] Funny, look how it says 'Slower than 90% of NL'.. And I'm not even the slowest on these forums!
A few questions before I can answer your question: 1. What do you need it for? (Just the web, or heavier things like editing videos?) 2. What is...
I prefer Holland. But Belgium has nice mountains, that's the only thing I really miss in Holland.. What I really do hate about Belgium is that the...
If it is jailbroken, you can download an app from the Cydia store with a certain source (I am sure you can find it on the internet) and with this...
N4n0 what's your name?
Origin name: Maqs92 Steam ID: zammax92
Can I shave my balls with it?
I am against euthanasia, because when a person decides to take his own life, it can be a split second in which he decides this. If a doctor would...
Where did we go wrong as a human race? At which point did we make a wrong decision that lead to these kinds of situation? I can't look at this...
Hollanda! Add me to the list!
Allright, this is kind of stupid. You are telling us that RuneScape is a waste of time.. If people like to play, let them play. Don't tell them...
Daily? Annex? Pen? full_tilt?
It totally depends on the girl. The girl in the picture you provided has such large boobies that I'm looking at them first now. In general I look...
Allright, this one is pretty damn funny, haha. I love it when people are mocking the church and I totally agree with you that religious people...
RIP Steve Jobs, he was a person that no-one will forget. He leaves behind a wife and four kids. I feel really sad for them, and ofcourse for the...
In my opinion he should stay banned. Scamming and self-vouching in the past goes a little bit to far. I'd say he should be banned, or be unbanned...