[email protected] Skill wanted : Mining Level Wanted : 40-High as possible Vouch : Yes :)
Accepted, will get started straight away :)
would you do 40 mining to as high as possible please? Msn= [email protected]
add my msn [email protected] Ide be interested in training you and ill quite happily go first.
Im not requesting, Im simply asking if they will. Requesting + Asking = 2 words + Meanings
I can get it done within 2-3 days if I started tomorrow. I would do for 40mil. Done by hand [email protected] - my msn
HUGE vouch for rapierstakes, gave me a guide on how to make $200 a day and its a awesome guide and is easily obtainable.
Im sure I could get you to 70 :) Also im not asking for a vouch im simply asking if you will vouch, which is not against the rules and if you...
Sorry added you now, Havent been on as I was in hospital all better now though :)
Im not trusted but ide be quite happy to do this, I would do it by hand so it's MUCH quicker. I would also be more than happy to go first and...
[IMG] Contact Info Email - [email protected] MSN - [email protected] Hi im gravite and Im currently looking to get my vouches up, I will...
[email protected]. Chuck me a MSN.
HUGE Vouch for NzReborn. Got me 60-70 woodcutting within a day, Cheers highly Trusted. :)
Skill wanted-Woodcutting Current level-59 Desired level-70 Your [email protected] Do you agree to MY TERMS OF SERVICE!-Yes:love:
Bump it up like a tonka truck?