100% perfect service. would highly recommend.
50m brought, thanks very much easy and fast,
sold 70m, went extremely well and fast will deal with again.
40m brought, fast easy, perfect. 10/10
30m traded, best guy eu to trade with.
40m traded, perfect again. thanks very much
hey there amount: 40m payment method: Instant bt. got you on Skype.
done 25m smooth and fast! top trader! thanks!
40m traded. super fast, super smooth. would use time and time again. 10/10
amount: 40m+ payment method: ukbt/pp will you vouch: of course
amount: 40m+ payment: PP added on Skype yet: yes
added you on Skype.
add me on Skype, gavlol
add me on Skype. gavlol have acc with 71 atk 85 str 72 def 72 range 85 mage fire cape and b gloves 70 pray with piety and 98 cmb
will add u on Skype. 100m os.
can sell you 30m added you on Skype.
pm me or post here.
done sir.
[IMG] looking for bank transfer only which means uk players. Accept 07 gp also.