Range Lvl: 70 Defence Lvl: 80 Payment Type [RSGP/PP]: RSGP Msn: [email protected] Do you agree to Terms of Service? [Y/N]: Yes Will you...
Vouch for BSGPSeller. I have had many successful gold transactions with him for well over 250m, and he is the most reliable user I have ever come...
Yet another huge vouch for BSGPSeller, sold me ANOTHER 120m! Fast trader, no problems ever with him.
Amount of Gold to be Bought: 120m Your MSN/Skype: [email protected] Have you requested my MSN: Yes Payment Method[PP/PA/MoneyPack/WU]: PP...
Huge vouch for BSGPSeller! He is one of the most legit users I have ever dealt with on sythe, and if you need gp I would highly advise buying it...
Vouch. Bought an upgrade for 12m RSGP, I went first. Fast and legit trader!
Talking to you on msn now. Msn: [email protected] Interested in an upgrade.
Sythe username: Karl Marx RS MSN: [email protected] Amount of upgrades: 1 Do you know that Superman must apply the upgrade: Yes
Upgrades needed: 1 Your MSN: [email protected]
Amount of Gold to be Bought: 75m Your MSN/Skype: [email protected] Have you requested my MSN: As I post this I am requesting it Payment...
Stillllll opennn!
Yes unfortunately I have not restocked my other type of upgrades, so I can't help you there.
Hey sythe, Karl Marx RS here. I have recently come across some upgrades, and I have decided to sell them to sythe for cheaper than other account...
No problem wazux, still open!
Added, you appear to be offline.
Thanks Jam, still open!
Vouch. Went first and sold him 2 upgrades for 9m each.
Sold one upgrade to JamsRSPins, About to sell another to him. Still open! Hurry before my prices go UP!
I added you.