Scammed. Do not trust. Period.
Paid 6m upfront. Will post on how it goes, let's hope it goes well :)
(1) Skill(s) Needed: 55 slayer (3) MSN/Skype Address: jacob.baltz (4) Payment Method (07 GP/EOC GP): 07 (5) Will You Vouch? (Not Required): If...
Vouch for Misfit. Helped a trade go through - very trusted and legit.
I'm extremely interested. I'll hit you up on Skype. I am jacob.baltz
Please? D:
There's gotta be someone out there who's got Lollipoppy D:
bump. Still looking, willing to drop cash or rsgp 2007!
Title says it all. Looking for ANY account that has that skin or Ragdoll Poppy. Preferably both. PM me or add me on Skype: jacob.baltz
Anyone interested in selling an account that has the Lollipoppy skin?
Do not trust SkillTillIDrop PERIOD. He is to NOT be trusted. NEVER. He stole 10m, my cash, and everything else. DO NOT TRUST HIM.
Do you agree to T.O.S? Yes Skype name: jacob.baltz what service is needed: SKilling What quest or quest's: None What skilling levels: 42-55 slayer
I will go first to a trusted member. I want 75+ def, prayer and summoning levels aren't a huge issue. If you have something to offer post here...
MSN:[email protected] Amount of Zeals (First 5 orders FREE - 30 Zeal MAX): 300 Have you added me:Yes Agree to ToS:Yes