Bought a small amount of osrs gp for pretty cheap. Very quick sale. Big vouch for Chenster :)
Vouch for The GG King, bought 3400 OCE RP from him, trade went smoothly and funds were credited to me as soon as possible. Thanks for the trade...
Looking for up to ~4k RP. Would appreciate offers below, thanks.
Big vouch for R2pleasent, I went through his website to sell 320m, live chat was responsive and helpful. Will do business with in the future :)
Vouch for Zuzel, bought a cape, very fast and a pleasure to do business with. Thanks heaps!
pmed you, bump
off for the night, keep offering
not taking trades sorry
bump, going to bed
44.7k tokens, no dt (but there is the new sword that is exactly like d scim out) and no rfd gloves (combat brace is as good as addy almost)
STILL HAS 1MONTH MEM Paypal only. offer. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Um..? No... get off my thread
Paypal offers ONLY, no rsgp, no swaps. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
thanks for everyones responses. in the end i bought ps3 but only one game (black ops, didnt have enough cash to buy more). so far its been fine...
until today i was like 100% sure i would buy the ps3 haha and then i started thinking and i have no idea.
I'm about to buy a console and its going to be one of them (160gb ps3 or xbox 360 slim) I'm probably going to spend most of my time playing...