Added you. Got bgs trick d claws ags also. :)
Is a intiate pure.
I will answer all questions about the methods/phats how long takes all the terms i will explain on msn so we dont spam this here....
Hello there guy's sorry i wasn't online i was round my mothers house. Service is back on my msn is [email protected] Add me...
We will use OMM okay.... Stop adding me saying do this do that go first i got 40 vouches I will never go first we will use OMM or 50/50 no...
I aint telling you my method all details you need to know is on my thread Buy one or leave it.... we can use OMM or 50/50 i dont care....
Taking orders people. :)
I dont understand why you dont read the thread. I dont charge how much they are on the runescape game, I charge how long it takes for me to...
I do 110$ Added you on msn.
Okay thank you mate. :) Taking more orders.
Next customer gets $20.00 discount :) Open orders.
Okay use OMM i do it for you. Taking orders.
Thank you very much for your deal mate. :)
Firecaping has reported a post. Reason:He added me tried me go first his accusing me now please delete his post on my thread i do not wish him...
Okay mate. Haha
Okay sir. I have accepted you mate you did not pop online.
Thank you for order. Talking on msn.
Owner: Firecaping Owners msn: [email protected] Owner Status: Online Every Rare item gonna be used with my method there is no way...
20% discount for any1 who buys. OMM we will use. if you are trusted i go first. payments paypal only.
Services are now open.