BIG Vouch for Vaporized: He sold me an Ancient Body and Chaps for cheap and was fast, cheap, trustworthy, and reliable! Will do business with...
I Private Messaged you Jay. BUMP!
Hey everyone, I'm looking to buy the following: 1x Ancient d'hide body 1x Ancient d'hide chaps 1x Armadyl d'hide body 1x Armadyl d'hide...
Just bought a firecape for my pure from anne
Id like to buy a firecape for a 1 defence pure. My stats are: 1 Defence 72 Ranged 43 Prayer My MSN is [email protected], I added both of you...
Hey Totz, just though I'd let you know that an imposter tryed to "collect" a payment for his "Turmoil Zerker" from me and I refused. But anyway,...
I'm interested in this account, I added you on msn: [email protected]
Hi Nate, I may be interested in some of the 3-lettered names if you can send me a list of them through a private message. Thanks!
This, plus: "Anti-Semetic" = Basically one who hates those who are descended upon from Shem. In other words - Anti-Semitism = Either a Racial,...
It's not, add me please.
IT IS NONE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED SKILLS! IT IS HOWEVER, a good skill to get 99 in, and does make money when you achieve any level but the...
THIS, but also remember that it's the same with any repetitive activity INCLUDING white berries. MY SUGGESTION? if you are big enough of a noob to...
BY THE WAY, NO THIS IS NOT PATCHED AND IT NEVER WILL BE UNLESS IT IS ABUSED LIKE A BITCH, add me on MSN i can answer any questions on this and how...
That is pretty fail, considering: A) There is a daily guide on this already, B) It's been 60,000 for like months, C) If it REALLY IS 2 mil...
add me at: [email protected]
VOUCH FOR Zenith, sold me his account, I went first, everything went smooth.
I'll buy it, my MSN is [email protected]
VOUCH FOR doomapples, we did a guide swap for one of my private guides, I went first, everything went smoothly and was done in a matter of 15...
Add me on msn please, [email protected]
Its Not Mining Either Idiot. Rofl. It Normally Loses Money Not Makes It. Read The Thread Before You Post Smart One.