Looking to buy an araxxor kill for morvran slayer assignment. Stats: 99 str/atk/hp/pray/summ, 98 mage, 97 def, 95 range, 97 herb. Access to...
Looking to trade my rsgp for your d3 gold at a ratio of around 2.7M:1M. PST if you're interested. I'm not particularly interested in going...
Forgot to specify, this is for US softcore.
Looking to trade at a 1M IGG:6M RSGP ratio. Looking to buy around 5M+ D3IGG. I'm not very interested in going first unless you're a bit more...
Quick, fast and easy vouch for kiln caper. Tort untouched. About as easy to deal as it gets, no one else to get capes from imo.
Hoping to get a kiln done today. =) EDIT: Just started mine.
Pm'ed you.
Added your MSN to discuss a possible kiln.
Willing to go first/increments/MM?
Bump, still looking for this.
Mostly only familiar with the miner and the smither, which are the two worst bots I've tried. Very buggy, generally just log out. The only selling...
Highly doubt it will hit $1/M anytime soon or ever. I'm sure Nexus AND RSBuddy will both be up within the week regardless of how drastic the...
Yes you should.
Also what are some of the higher quality agility and magic scripts?
Is Rsbuddy reflection or injection?