pmd you
Rules 1- I can going first with trusted members 2- I do not allow refunds under any circumstances. 6- Payment Methods Accepted: PAYPAL...
vouch for him, legit buyer
no ty
no thanks
PM'd you I'm interested
PM'd you
PM'd you :idea:
check my thread Regards
$40-$50 $20-$25
I am very much interested. Please do PM me. Also if possible i want to check certain things if possible over TV or we talk how to make it...
He is not the person i believe. I guess he is just reselling the accounts maybe. Well i know Danger105 as well.I wonder why he would scam here...
It's quite surprising to see how many people use Danger105's accounts service to make profit ;)
I see from where you copied your thread title and basically the whole thread ;)
I'm looking for coals, around 100+ each I can pay $70 for 100 coals post here and pm me
I lol'd, cs:go keys with scan? hmm semms legit
do you accept trades? I'm interested