If Tryndy gets game to go on to around 30 minutes his splitpushing just gets too good even if he is 0/5 with 120 farm. If he gets a lead he can...
He still works great. Dat splitpush
I wouldn't brag about a 55% win rate in Gold as your best champ.
NA is the biggest innovator but this isn't due to any reason other then its popular so the balancing happens based on the western meta why would...
Sorry no they don't and no they didn't nothing they do is how Korea works. OMG and Cloud9 are 2 of the best teams because they focus on...
AP Sion mid is pretty great but AD Sion jungle is pretty decent.
Tryn, Fizz and Zyra are only picked in high elo this thread is mainly for like Silver/Golds I assume Plat/Diamonds can find champs that work well...
I cannot picture a Fizz losing lane to a Karthus but I can picture Karthus winning late game. Karthus is another champ I should add to the list...
I completely forgot about him even though my friend mains him lol.
I am listing champions that work amazingly well in Solo Q they are broken (not OP) for multiple reasons and some work just due to how people have...
Nid isn't a great champ IMO she can push lanes well but her team fight is really limited works well in poke comps not so much with general purpose...
Azubu Frost (Korea) was caught cheated in the games against TSM they should have been Disqualified but it was too late so they just lost a portion...
First blood can lead to an early tower/dragon. In NA due to CLG & DIG throwing every single game in the history of ever our first blood win...
How is NA stagnant NA has evolved more and faster then any other nation. The game gets balanced based on NA meta which is one problem that NA has...
Democrats are leaning more towards military intervention so far. [IMG] For those who don't know The Senate has more Democrats 54 ( D ) -...
IMO TSM and Curse deserve to go to worlds more then anyone but the whole Elementz pulling a Chaox ruined them.
TSM just beat CLG and Vulcan \o/ [img] XPECIAL OMFG
It was not really a miss more then just Xpecial using his prediction skills.
TSM always brings their A game when they need it they dominate in NA every split until early summer split.
Every single Tumble will proc the triforce for ~240 Bonus damage triforce bonus (Not counting the crit + ad + speed from the triforce or tumble...