Vouch for BSGPSeller. I sold him 49m I went first. Good trader!
Amount of Gold to be sold: 49m Your MSN/Skype: yes Have you requested my MSN: yes You go first or use a MM(Paypal Option): i go first Will...
vouch for smperfidelis. Sold him 15m. Great guy, really fast!
Your MSN: [email protected] Other Trader's Msn: [email protected] Your Sythe name: in clan chat Other Trader's name: harjit...
How many needed? 1 MSN/SKYPE? msn added u
Agree To Go 1st: no Agree To Vouch After Deal Made: ya Agree To TOS: free if using mm How many/amount of upgrade's': 1
Sythe username: in clan chat MSN: [email protected] Amount of upgrades:1 Do you know that Superman must apply the upgrade:yes
MSN: [email protected] How many upgrades: 1 Agree to TOS: Yes
im interested in 1. [email protected]
Price:9m Amount: (1) 1month Added my MSN?: yes
I'm interested. [email protected] is my msn
vouch for the black tux. I went first. 10m for my $15 itunes card. Thanks
I have these for sale: PP or RSGP are what I take. We will use MM or you go first. 12% STR Earring - $10/ 12m 12% STR Shield (4 ATT, 3L UNIQUE)...
Sold him $15 itunes for 9m. I went first. Good trade! VIA PM!
I have a $15 ill take 9m. msn is [email protected]
Your MSN/AIM/Skype (i prefer MSN over all of these) : [email protected] Store : itunes Do you want to go first , or use a OMM&cover all...
(2) 15's for 20$ otherwise I'll have to pass. msn: [email protected]
Got 2 15$'s add my msn [email protected]
It is NA. Still for sale.
Bump... Looking for 70$