I hope i do too :) this site Blows COCK
He didnt read my POST, My MSN Wtf was hacked.... And I hope he gets whatever that fag walts got back. Walts hacked my MSN and is Scamming ppl :'(
Lets see proof please, Also my Wtf thing is hacked, Read my Stuff before u trade. And Always ask for a PM?
Look at my Siggy and my Thread I posted way before the trade went down.
my MSN was hacked first so ur talking to the wrong MSN.... PM me for real one ur fault not mine.. check teh sig buddy
G 2 ThE OdLyYy has reported a post. Reason:Really was that Nessacary? Post: GodLyYy iS going for Official! Forum: MiddleMan Forums Assigned...
Reported. Thanks come again :)
Sup Guys, Alright IM either Swapping accounts or Spending up to $300 USD on a Pure ViA Paypal :) up to you. Id radther do the Paypal Thing...
Still MMIng for Free Right Now!
goodluck. :)
4Skin may be Evader but hes a Boss :) no scamming on my Watch
Im still MMING!
LoL ull give him an acc and hell just recover the Rs account simple as that the account name is Tenquil, Look it up I wouldent have known that...
my aim is browneyedassasin ur not responding.
Alright none of the MSN's ur giving are working just gimme ur AIM please. :)
I accepted but its not working... Weird Whats ur MSN again? or do u have AIM? aim wud be easier
I added
ill give u 1 RWT Method 4m pr hr for first account and a Pure 60 att 77 str 5 defense
Ill buy 1 but do they have gold membership on them?
Pathetic... lol