professional, quick and easy. will buy from again !
How much u need : 10 mil Added me (yes/no): yes
Payment method: PP How much do u want to buy: 10 mil Did you add me on skype/msn ?: Yes
Looking to buy a small amount of Full Tilt chips.. Will be using PayPal gifted
JUst bought 5m off him. Flawless transaction. I went first, and he payed as soon as the paypal transaction went through! Will do business with...
Amount of Gold to be Bought: 5m Your MSN/Skype: Have you requested my MSN: yes Payment Method[PP/PA/MoneyPack/WU]: pp You go first or use a...
Looking to buy a G mauler Under 60 CBL, 50 attk, 80+ str, 1 def, I have plenty of vouches. Just looking to play this game again since...
added you.
added talking
Bought 5M, I went first. Great seller! Will do business with in the near future.
Added. Some of you people posting on here are retarded.. He clearly said 3-10M only
Im on now, I want to buy 5M Asap. Give me a pm with your MSN.
Anything past level 100 Not looking to pay more than 75$.. I don't go first.
talking to you on msn about some thrones
buymp........ no trades
I have a 6 dig. for cheap