A lot of impressive wins on this thread. Can't find my screen shots but I've won a couple 100m's in my day. I've given up the staking life though,...
Any particular kinds of accounts? Any requirements for said accounts?
Are you looking for rsgp or paypal etc?
Vouch for RSBlue and his team! Another 20M bought without any problems.
If your range is high enough range to ags is a great combo. You'd have to bring a cash risk though as it's a low risk without the cash.
cycl0ne has reported a post. Reason:Uneccessary insults towards another user Post: Buying MAX pures from TRUSTED ONLY!! {MUST HAVE 100+...
Possible but difficult. There's a video of a pure getting one at 1 def 1 pray. Good luck, hope you can find someone capable of doing it.
Post proof, and report him in the correct section. That way if he actually did scam you then he'll be banned.
Congrats man! How much xp/hr are you averaging? Any clue when you'll hit 99? Any goals set in place after 99 woodcut is achieved?
As Ghast said it was because of player made gambling, and it is only a minor offence. Selling your account won't matter because of that, because...
If you want to afk I highly recommend cooking. Otherwise I'd say mining/smithing.
24/7 is quite risky, they seem to have gotten slightly better with all of it.
cycl0ne has reported a post. Reason:off topic. possibly considered spam? Post: Range Box Staking Pure Almost 70 Range ! Forum: Runescape 2007...
cycl0ne has reported a post. Reason:Off topic Post: Range Box Staking Pure Almost 70 Range ! Forum: Runescape 2007 Pictures, Videos &...
Post it in the correct section, don't spam this section. Please leave. On topic: 70 range isn't too bad for range staking, just make sure you go...
As others have said I'd recommend splashing. But if you want an alching alternative and don't mind spending the extra time you could make gold...
Vouch for Kevin001, got me a firecape on a low range account. Was quick and easy, recommend to others.
Did you add me on MSN/Skype yet: Yes Ranged/Def/Prayer Level: 54/13/43 so package #6 Payment Method: Paypal Will you vouch/feedback me: Yes Do you...
Get 70 range at the very least, it'll give you a few much needed hp levels in the staking world. And would be helpful for pking.
High chance of getting caught, to limit it drastically you would have to babysit it a lot, which at that point may as well do it yourself lol. I...