This is my second time being scammed :(. The other scumbag was banned from my report so I hope this one will be, too. Link to scammer's...
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Hi MSN: I will PM you Amount: 1 Price: 8M Go first: Yes, I will Edit: He scammed me, I will post a report soon; do not trade with this low-life
Since all the sellers seem to be offline... I am buying 1 account upgrade for 9 million RSGP. Please post or PM your MSN. I will go first if you...
MSN? Confidential, I will PM you Agree to the ToS? Yes Going first? Yes
Do you accept my ToS? Yes Do you accept my price? Yes How many upgrades do you need? 1 Would you like me to apply them via TeamViewer? No,...
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My vouches :).
MSN Email: I'll add you Do you accept the terms? Yes Will you go first? Yes Edit: Huge vouch! Went first with 9m. Everything went smoothly and...
He is offering an upgrade account service for 10m RSGP: So I add his MSN, talk to him, and give him...
Dynamic [Dynamic] has reported a post. Reason:scammer Post: [RSGP]Selling upgrades 10m[RSGP] Forum: Account Upgrade Services Assigned...
Scammed me. I went first with 10m and he said "applying... now try". I tried, my pass was changed and my 10m gone. Don't trust.
PM me, I am interested in buying an account upgrade (you mean a membership, right? lol) although 10m is pretty steep
Isn't there a function in the Robot class that allows you to get what window is activated, and where it starts and how long it goes? Man,...
Might want to freshen up on some English.
Well I need a function that find the applet... I was thinking making it through color so it'd be kind of cool, the bot finds the applet by itself...
(Face-palm). SCAR owns every bot out there, it's completely undetectable and is amazing... Totally forgot about it, fuck neXus, fuck RsBot. SCAR...
OK, here is some speed results, I am debugging. Basically searches my whole screen with different pixel skips and stuff. 1x1: So it searches my...
Yeah, I'll actually make a color animation detector, much faster. Randoms I was thinking use a UserNameOnScreen? Things like School and Maze...