I'll buy it all official MM i'll pay.
Still selling.
I'll offer $100 USD via Mail or moneybookers. Msn is in sig.
I'll offer $150 but only if it has mith gloves + MM Done + DT done.
I'll be able to train Slayer and summoning, summoning based on the slayer drops =]. MSN is in sig. Add me for more info. Thanks. EDIT: I can do...
Yes, sorry for not posting.
I'll be happy to sell, and your MSN doesn't work.
Host the image on imageshack.us for security reasons.
Still buying.
$100 My offer.
You guys are getting it all wrong, say if I was the pker, and the person i pked only had a rune scim, I'm only getting around of how much that is,...
I'm interested, $200, E-mail is in sig. Thanks.
What does the account come with?
I have now removed My E-mail so now you MUST either PM or post on sythe with stats. Thanks. EDIT: Email is back up, supposidly Faster.
No fighting guys, and I editede the post saying it MUST have 5M on it at least. Thanks.
Hey there sythe, I'm now buying a GOOD hybrid pure, I currently have $800 USD to spend. Since 3/4 of sythe is full of scammers, I will NOT being...
We'll Do PM trades.
Add me, MSN is in sig.
Sorry for the spam, but which mosnters do u killl for the crimson charms :P
Way to try and make excuses to get the sale. Post proof else you can be infracted with this.