Thread MUST be titled "" Contents must include: Your profile link: Loving Awareness Your total debt: NONE List of offences you've committed and...
Buying pure with 99 attack 99 strength 1 defence <53 prayer for 1bil osrs gp.
I really want the "what did you do to freakin' my car?" minirank! This one: [IMG]
Hello. My discord device is packed away in storage out-of-state. I'll PM you for $5 donation via OSRS GP
Have you seen this yet? Not replying again.
I posted in the spam forum and you reported me for spamming. You're bullying me! How come you didn't infract Vickies Gold and Keith for calling...
Just checking in
Hello. I would like to purchase the 75def 99con account. Do you accept rsgp? If only $150, do you accept Zelle? I would love to pay trusted MM the...
Sell it to me for osrs gp let's use a middle man! EDIT: I'll pay MM fees
Do you have any with 99 attack 99 strength 1 defence? My discord on a diff device in storage lol
Vouch, this guy sold me an account 99attack 99strength 1 defence off-site. Though we had a dispute later that ended in my favor, I am really happy...
========================================================== Violation #1 Bump! [IMG] ==========================================================...
Greetings I would like to buy just one of your 100 accounts with 99 attack 99 strength 1 defence. [IMG] You mentioned Corby. [IMG] Did you...
Recently got scammed for one off-site, so I am buying a replacement. Love to use OMM I pay the fees <3
Hello, Originally, Keith was supposed to make the report. At least, according to him. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Was I just baited by Keith to report?...
Scammer's profile link: Keith Amount scammed: $255 Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: N/A Proof that it's their Discord: N/A Explanation of the...