Sold them 4.8B, ez pz
Sold him 10B, super ez to work with and went the extra mile for safety :3 will definitely do more business with!
As the title says, I imagine that a tutorial island account with a legacy email will, at some point, cost more than a suicide account that makes...
We can all agree that some business owners are not going the extra mile to make their sales funnel as seamless and convenient as possible. As...
Chels )': Until we meet again friend :3
Sold them a quick 4B osrs, ez pz as alwaysss
Sold him GP, ez pz lemon squeezy
Sold them GP, super smooth as always
What did you say lol
Your information is stored in their database, there's plausible deniability of their involvement (no direct evidence) and yeah, unfortunately it's...
Sold them 1.5B, ezpz
I think it mainly comes down to what Jagex does in the next year in terms of botting. Players can't even safely learn to PK because bots overtake...
I'm trying to route a runelite client through a SOCKS5 with proxifier, though it just opens for 2 seconds and then closes. The proxy authenticates...
Sold 750m, super easy & patient, definitely doing future business !
Sold him quick 750m, super smooth, will definitely deal with again!
sold 1b easy & smooth, awesome stuff
Sold them some quick 07, super easy, great stuff
Sold 07. Grant is patient and the bomb as always. Thanks!
Grant yet again super easy to work with, sold him another stack. Thanks! :3
Montoyas great. Dealt with some of our logistical issues, took our orders and finished them in great time. We'll definitely be doing business in...