Bought 100m gold, fast and easy, will be back!
Grade A service, delivered 100m in less than 5min!
Purchased 300M, super quick and easy, less than 5minutes from payment to delivery. A++
Bought 15m, great service, quick delivery, competitive pricing.
Shoot me a PM.
PM me your offers.
Sold me 1m 07 real quick, fast and easy.
How much is a partyhat set in 07?
Added you on skype, dont know if I added the right one.
Saying exactly what I said on HF: This is some Frankenstein-baby of a post. you have screenshots from 3 different servers, none of which are... Yes, I'll help your lazy ass out... Anyway, I hope it isnt lamps. That...
Revenue £45,345,000 (2011) Operating income £10,658,000 (2011) For JAGEX, not RuneScape. They have FunOrb... how is that WAY more games?...
Assuming each gold farming account makes 600,000gp/hr and they run 24/7/365 (NO DOWNTIME) [Which is impossible due to bot updates, rs updates, vps...
They've done it since release... When you first equip it and when you "operate" the cape it will temporarily boost you to 100. Its useless imo.
`Mike` has reported a post. Reason:Wrong section Post: Fully function Minecraft Proxy Client Forum: RuneScape 2 General Assigned Moderators:...
`Mike` has reported a post. Reason:spam Post: I fucking hate niggers Forum: RuneScape 2 General Assigned Moderators: Frenzy, video, sypherz,...
You talk the big talk but provide no proof... Ok. Fastest XP for Firemaking, idk if Bonfires beat it out now... I did this before bonfires.
Firemaking at no cost == Jadinkos. Its extremely fast. Runespan for RC. Can I ask how you got 99 summoning? :O
I didn't say it was 100% solid, its a round-about. Thats why I put AVERAGE 200xp/hit.