that is backseat moderating. now stop spamming my thread! Pins still in sale mates.
yuck! that new jad looks horrible ;S the bright red doesn't fit it atall
well post count counts a bit, but trades are the thing that defines are you trusted or not. adn the vouches from gurus, mods, admins etc.
LOTR is the best movie ever made.
Backseat Moderating and spamming aren't allowed. read the rules your self prick. now gtfo.
hello. My Thread my vouches you can check from my sig. I have 14 atm.
I don't need your opinion about the a/w. I just posted what the a/w means. if it's not clear to you, don't even post. I say this again coz you... I can sell if still needed. 10 vouches --> check my sig
day have been changed and still have 2 pins. no1 buying pins anymore?
that's just an a/w you little spamming prick. If you didin't know what a/w (autowin) means, it's the price the buyer wins the sale automatically....
BUUUMMMPPPPP! still got the pins ffs ;S
BUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPP acc is still in sale. some noob tried to scam me last night with fake Finniscool. I check the e-mails of buyer and... if you still need. [email protected]
thanks Crysis and Ridah. 2 Pins still in sale! So be fast. :D
So I'm willing to buy 40M trought paypal. trade will be palced in mid/high lvl crater f2p or med in p2p. Official MM will be used in trade....
post them then. reported for accusing without any proofs. next time you accuse me for something I haven't do, get some proofs noob. and tell me...
why you think I'm not banned, TWC'd or infracted? coz those bitches has no real proofs against me. and yes your posts are considered as a spam,...
I'v done new to update the account info and accoutn stats. is that not allowed too? and pumbping after 12 hours is the thread is in 2-3 page is...
added you. if the trade don't fall trough with spark