like 3mil still needs to betransferred plz help me someone ill pay you
Msn address?
bump.................... or need someone with an account that can use med and high
Thats kinda harsh.
I added your MSN please log on.
Yea I just want to get money from one account to the other. It's making me mad it's not even a large ammount...
No just add me on msn please.
um add me on msn well talk.
Trying to get mils from a med to a high. Just need someone who I can transfer my med gold to the med and then the'll give the same amount from...
Can anyone tll me how to get money from a high level to a med level? if someone knows how and will do it plz contact me msn: [email protected]
[IMG] =(
lol nice
yea but slipknot is better so far
Opium =)
plz. mr clash
Could someone make me an orb avater with a sliver/gray inside with a Y with yellow glow and Yellow glow around the orb?
Colour Of Glow: yellow Letter: Y Sig/Avatar?: Avatar
Inner Orb Colour: Orange Text: Y Text Colour: silver Effect "Image": dunno looking cool
how? if it's alive in the womb?
HOw can you deny it when people say the've been threw it and they still have the camps