Hey, might be interested a bit later on if you still have. But if you were looking to sell to someone rather trusted i saw R2p was buying them...
Hey, talking with you on msn.
Twc He refuses to use a MM or go first so if your interested you must go first lol >_<
would be interested but account doesn't meet req's ^.^ ... Stil looking.
Still looking
Still looking :D
What's your msn?
Hey, talking with you on msn :p
Adding you now i'm highly interested.
corky_!24 has also reported this post. Reason:
Still x-fering
lol, that happend to a freind of mine a while back
completely agreed
Nice guide
I pick cfrey :D
all i can say is lol!
still looking
corky_!24 has reported a post. Reason:spam/read title Post: [Corky's gold shop[Paypal/Mail/wu][mid/high crater] [2.5-3.00 ea] Forum: Buying...
Added still looking for now