looking for a OCE account, perferably Diamond 1+ with a few skins
Bump Diamond account considered
Looking for specifically Ascendant account with 1-2 Vandal skins also blade ruin knife please OCE SERVER
Purchase a MAXED pure off him, everything went smooth, was also helpful through it :)
Looking for a pure with MM1/AVA/DT/Mith gloves Done 60+ Attack 95+ Strength 1 Def 95+ Range 94+ Mage 43+ Prayer Those are my preferably stats,...
are you nego on the pure
How much were you looking for the infernal pure
pmu b
PM Me or add my discord
Forgot to add my discord, Tonynguyns#1933
Hey Guys, firstly i'd like to throw out why i'll be selling my main, reason why i'm selling this account is im honestly over mains, this account...
I have 2Step enabled for everything