Sold 550m, Went quick, smooth, instant paid out, i would reconmend using Dovis for Buying/Selling GP amazing lad
Massive Shoutout, To baods team, these guys are the true Mvp's, They get the job done quick, Constant updates, No bullShit, right onto the job,...
Was assigned to do Firecape for my Zerker from Baod's Services, Good people, Trusted with 40-45m gear on the account Thank You for FireCape <3<3<3
Bought firecape from baods service, ~blackmamba was assigned to do my fire Cape on my zerker another successful service done, thank you guys ☺️
Bought 83m OSRS GP, Trade went Smooth, Fast, Very reliable, Will use Again, Will reconmend, To others who wish to buy gold, Easy to speak with,...