Sold me gold, good rate very fast
Did some services on a pure account for me was very efficient and a nice guy
Purchased an account fast and easy
Did a whole bunch of skilling and quests, the guys are super fast and so good to deal with
Trained some skilling for me, super fast from transaction to completion highly recommended!
Sold me an account quick and easy
Sold me an account fast and easy
$50 BTC/120m 07 Not much to say really, starter pure with a 3 letter name, main quests done except mm1. the account was purchased quested and ive...
Vouch for boges, he bought and ironman from me for $50 BTC, he went first smooth trade
Sold him 345m 07 fast and friendly :)
Sold please close
Virts team smashed out the regicide quest line for me in no time