Still looking
I hope you get the ipod right on time ^^ Good luck ;)
Guys, trade with caution! He doesn't want to go first on me, nor wants to use an MM because its a "simple" 20$ he said. So if it is indeed...
Okay its good
in PM you said 27$ for 25$ one xD
no thanks,i'm not gonna pay 5$ extra for a 15$ card..
Well if you are here now then we can do trade, i'll just go first..
added you to msn gunhoy
Maybe you can buy one and ask to send code? Because I cant me best buy member because I live in europe.
I would love to but then I need to wait until it reaches in belgium and i just need the code.
Well, do you got a MM in your msn list?
Bump, maybe any american can go get it in the stores for a few bucks extra, and a vouch ofcourse ^^
because american store is much bigger and it is like 1$ for a song, here in Europe its 1€ for a song, also much cooler games.
yeah, i do
I'll give ya 28$ for a 25$ one
I'm looking for Itunes cards so I can buy Bizarre Foods episodes. Max. 50$ cards, I prefer 15$. I will go first to trusted people.
Hello. I'm looking for Itunes cards, I prefer 50$ or even better, just 15$ so I can buy some Bizarre Foods episodes ^^. I'm willing to go...
I'm agreed with swordman, he needs to be more specific. By the way, it won't help if you report every sythe user for just telling sumtin lol
what do you mean? You do something on games or something?