Sold 1.5, quick - easy - great rates .The boy
Bought alot of vorkath accounts, super responsive and helpful with appeals. 100% vouch!
Sold another 1.7B quick and easy with my friend. 100% vouched.
Serviced 6x accounts for me, great to work with, will do more business!
Purchased 10x vork accounts quick and easy, will do more business in future. 100% vouch
"can’t provide proof I scammed him" Message when discord he was admin for shutdown after taking my payment Imgur: The magic of the Internet Same...
purchased more vork accounts, trusted seller. vouch 100%
rhodies_services 1138401874924535828 was discord owner, the two others above were the admins I dealt with.
Scammer do not trade, hacked my accounts.
Scammer do not trade, closed discord and hacked my accounts.. Rhodies Services Scam (mordez0999 + ggrumpyy)
Scammer's profile link: Rhodies Services + GGRUUUMPYY VOUCHES Amount scammed: $160 + $500 in accounts hacked Discord ID + Unique Discord ID:...
Sold another 1.1B vouched
bought some zulrah accounts, quick and easy. vouched.
Buying all Nex ready accounts, must have Frozen Door Miniquest done, 80 range 74 prayer and 80 mage. PM me on Discord Altra#4214
Sold another 1.4B, vouched!
Sold another 3.7B, all smooth. Vouch as always.
Sold 3.3B gp quick and easy, big vouch as always!
Purchased 20 more accounts from MOB, great service and always quick to help out with any appeals. The best account seller, 100% vouch.