reply on discord and i will refund..
he has the account once he refunds account details and the account is the same as i sold il happily refund
lol wtf pretty sure i have to scam to get a scam report?
big vouch rented hes main and doubled my bank :)
talking on sythe gunna rent for 30mins
45hp bro
hey guys looking to buy a twitch prime please
pm me or post prices
big vouch mmed 45m trade for me
Your Discord + Unique Discord ID: gershy#9439/479953096630599680 Other User's Discord + Unique Discord ID:gangstapasta#9205/283768339556466691 Are...
pmed you
bump online
nice acc man
no problem man
Low Lvl G Maul Prod
make me an offer mate
bump done alot quest!
account also has mith gloves now!
hey guys selling my low level g mauler attack quested, has avas,dt,mith gloves str was blast furnace pumped/barb fished range was cannoned no...