Your profile link: Ocho8 Profile links for all of your Sythe accounts: QinOSRS, JoaqinBrg Report/post/reason that got you banned: Echo8 is a...
Hi, I scammed a guy for 37M and made a stupid comment after he reported me for scamming. I shouldn't have done that, but I wasn't in the best...
Hi, I am going to sell a main account with great stats for PVM and skilling. Everything on the account is hand-done. And it's relatively close to...
Hi, I'm going to sell my ironman account that i've been playing on for a few months now. It has great stats like 92 Thieving, 86 fishing and 73...
Hi, I'm selling my starter main with 151QP. It's 70% done with RFD (Addy Gloves), and Monkey Madness is completed. It also has some nice stats...
Hi, The stats are as following: - 70 defence - 80 magic - 79 hp - 70 prayer I have the following equipment available: - Ahrims robeskirt -...
Hi, I'm selling 07GP for cheap. Stock: 0M Current price: $0,83 Add me on Skype or send me a PM on Sythe.
After offering free services for a week, I am finally releasing my official Oldschool Runescape Service! [img] [IMG] [SPOILER] Terms of...
Hi, Melendez216 wanted me to train 50-72 mining. He was constantly saying he would pay in a few hours and then said he trouble buying the gold...
All my vouches are found below! 1. Vouch for this man, went above and beyond and got me some awesome str levels on 2 of my accounts, for FREE!...
[IMG] [img]
sorry wrong again ignore pls
Hi, The IP i posted this thread with is my home IP.
Hi, I'm looking for someone to make a thread for my upcoming skilling service! Send me a PM for my skype so we can discuss prices (Possibly). Ocho8