my vouches theard
[IMG] [spoiler] [spoiler] [Spoiler]
[IMG] PC this acc: Quest rushed HCIM - most dangerous quests completed + bgloves. Unregistred email & im oo Zerk compatible MA2 cape 85 combat 205...
Starter hcim with minimum requirements and completion of most important and dangerous quests - 200 qp and bunch of 70s from SOTE.
Hi, ive noticed blatant imitating of my account selling post. my post: Selling 2160+ iron | 3.3B bank/TBOW/kodai/much more their post: Selling...
2160+ total, 3.3b bank including tbow, kodai, arma, infernal and other good stuff and loads of supplies [IMG]
You will not have access to account or its bank till i or a real mm has received atleast the amount that covers bank value + 100$, dont waste my...