Selling 1m roatz, 140m 07.
LF a really good obby mauler, please post below what you have available. or add my discord: preffered stats are : 1 99 1 20 99 1 strength can...
Account just needs to do kings ransom for perfect 70 defence, account is pretty much pk ready and has multiple untradeable items. post below or...
Selling my baby pure, account was alched to 94 mage, so the combat is only 69, but has ice barrage. post below or pm me offers, thanks. [IMG]
Selling a great starter ironman account, has 99 firemaking and 67 woodcutting, around a 10m total value bank, including 400 pages, 4 tomb of fires...
Selling my old main, its literally just the stats with the account, offer if interested. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Selling this acc, A/W is 40m. [IMG] [IMG]
Selling this account, was purely used to rush barrows gloves to sell, looking for offers. hit me up letting it go cheap, lmk [IMG]
Skate 4 Is Finally Really Happening we made it
Selling this maxed zerker. account comes with all of the info you would need, recovery information etc. more than happy to use a OMM or MM...
selling my near maxed ags pure with 5 defence, account comes with all information required for the owner and full support from myself. comment...
Please pm me on sythe if interested. Selling my High Skill level Pure account. The account is mine, i am the Original owner, account is roughly...
Selling this Maxed AGS Pure , 99 str range and mage, 95 hp. Has a halo and a fire cape along with all untradeables a pure would ever need....
buying roatz, add my disc.
Going to be cannon chinning mm2 caves and need 2 accounts with the quest completed to follow eachother to auto stack the monkeys. let me know/
looking for someone with 2 mm2 chin cave alts i can either log on or you can log on and de-aggro and follow eachother so i can autostack the...
I am finally selling my main after selling a bunch of pures and funky accounts i have made up over the past 2 years. I am selling this account...