Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by Skull me BB, Aug 15, 2024.

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Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 15, 2024 at 6:49 PM
  2. Skull me BB
    May 4, 2024
    Sythe Gold:

    Skull me BB Newcomer

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Your profile link:
    - Skull me BB

    Profile links for all of your Sythe accounts:
    - runelive123
    - DjDrake
    - PurpGreen
    - GFXoracle
    - SoKrispy or something like that i cant remember the spelling but after trying to find it I found this account and this account is NOT mine im so krispy
    - Edit ------ after digging around I found another 2 =\
    - Leet Drake
    - Drakelong

    Report/post/reason that got you banned:

    - This is the thread that got me a DNT on my current account "Skull me BB"
    Skull me BB

    - This is the thread that got me a ban on my account "Runelive123"
    Runelive123 scammer

    - I can not find report links on the other accounts but I know they were banned for ban evasion.

    - EDIT -- Digging around I found this purpgreen

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims:

    - I have tried to find a way to contact @Im Solo but I can not message and i have looked on his postings for emails or discords and can find none. His last activity was 5 years ago.

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now:

    - These are the accounts that I can think of that I created, but I have one account that was even older like 2010 I believe, but I can't remember the name, nor find anything on sythe for it. My name was something like SoKrispy or So KrIsPy and I made the sythe account with the intention to offer fire cape services so I could log onto their account and take their item, in which I did and was rightfully banned. I can not find any reports or even the sythe account but I know I did this and would also like to refund what ever it was that I stole either to the victim or if it can not be found I would like to offer money to the community repayment plan.

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    - I got banned on runelive123 because I refused to pay out "Im Solo" in the donor dice lounge, looking back at it my logic made zero sense and I should have paid the man. Reading the post back it looks like I tried to void the dice bet for whatever reason and it looked like Im Solo posted and called the bet at the same time I did that which irritated me at the time and I let my ego get in the way of reality, he called the bet , it was only $25, I eventually quoted him back and rolled lower, I raged and refused to pay which is clearly scamming.

    - I am 30 years old now and I am sorry for the choices I have made in the past and I'm sure you may hear this alot I assume but, I am much older now and do not have the same mind as I did when I was younger. I have used Sythe for decades now, some while having an active account, and mostly alot being a logged out guest and I can promise you there is nothing newer then the account runelive123 of me scamming or ban evading and I have done tons of trades that have been nothing but smooth, even with members like video, where I regularly am trying to buy accounts from him and have actually bought 2 or 3 accounts from. I will understand the decision either way and will respect it but I hope I can be given another chance. I am willing to settle with any dollar amount decided by staff that I would need to provide to the community payback thread even if declined I would like to clear my name and repay.

    Have you fully read and followed the pardon rules and requirements in this thread?
    - Yes

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable:​
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2024
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 16, 2024 at 10:13 PM
  4. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Detective
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Christmas 2024 Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    I have gone in-depth with your pardon and you have many more accounts than you have listed. Before I look into this any further, you will need to refund the following reports I found so far.
    The money owed will be collected for community repayment, please send no less than $148 to the following BTC address:


    After that is done please reply here with a link to the transaction.
    To reply please make a new post titled merge, do not edit your information in.
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 16, 2024 at 10:50 PM
  6. Skull me BB
    May 4, 2024
    Sythe Gold:

    Skull me BB Newcomer

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Wow @Yoshiki I promise I did not remember those accounts or I would have added them to the original post. After seeing the names I instantly recognized the old accounts and, they are infact me. I don't see this pardon going in my favor but I hope I can atleast try and make things right and have a chance.

    These accounts are ALL me but I can promise this is not me now. I am 30 years old now and have changed, as cliche as that might sound...

    I have sent the BTC to the address you have provided.

    The Mempool Open Source Project®

    96-B078-D5-9-DFB-47-A5-A8-CA-9-B362-C6-E7202 hosted at ImgBB
  7. Unread #4 - Aug 16, 2024 at 11:10 PM
  8. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Detective
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Christmas 2024 Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    I appreciate your honesty and I understand that this happened years ago so you might not remember every single account. I will review this pardon more in depth this weekend when I have some time.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2024
  9. Unread #5 - Aug 18, 2024 at 3:40 PM
  10. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Detective
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Christmas 2024 Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    @Skull me BB
    After a second review, there are a few more reports that will need to be paid back.
    The money owed will be collected for community repayment, please send no less than $237 to the following BTC address:


    After that is done please reply here with a link to the transaction.
    To reply please make a new post titled merge, do not edit your information in.
  11. Unread #6 - Aug 18, 2024 at 4:02 PM
  12. Skull me BB
    May 4, 2024
    Sythe Gold:

    Skull me BB Newcomer

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    ^ Rustyy93 likes this.
  13. Unread #7 - Aug 20, 2024 at 7:18 PM
  14. Yoshiki
    Nov 12, 2016
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Typhlosion Umbreon Milotic Lairon Politoed Chansey Le Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Why is there BACON in the SOAP!? Detective
    The Mortyest Morty Wait, do you not have an Archer rank? Not sure if srs or just newfag... TOKI! AM'S YOU WEARINGS MY PANTS? Christmas 2024 Two Factor Authentication User Staff of the Quarter Winner

    Yoshiki - Slots & Original Games

    Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Hello @Skull me BB

    The list of all of your accounts can be found in the spoilers below.
    Profile: Skull me BB
    Report(s): Skull me BB

    Profile: runelive123
    Report(s): Runelive123 scammer ($25) (repaid)
    Account got recovered on RS07 - 2 attempting to frame user

    Profile: DjDrake
    Report(s): Grams - Ban Evader

    Profile: Grams
    Report(s): Grams - Ban Evader

    Profile: PurpGreen
    Report(s): PurpGreen offsite report that appears inconclusive
    Purpgreen [Requires Staff with HF profile]

    Profile: Drakelong
    Report(s): Purpgreen requestiong Pardon for Evading/Scamming

    Profile: GFXoracle
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: flaming

    Profile: Leet Drake
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: ban evading on "Drakelong "

    Profile: Gmauler123
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Evasion: Drakelong

    Profile: Gold4U
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: ban evading: Leet Drake
    Gold4U $200 scammer ($150) (repaid)
    [Cheap][PP] $40.00 Level 116 Main. Firecape.37mill.Runegloves [PP]*[Legit]*[Fast] ($40 accusation no proof)

    Profile: Rs2Gold4U
    Report(s): [Orginized] - Gold Farming Scammer. ($30) (repaid)
    rs2gold4u is a scammer account scammed ($2 no proof)

    Profile: 80Proof
    Report(s): Ban Evader (80Proof/ Drakelong)

    Profile: FtE
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Attempting to fake proof against ChrisCross23
    Chriscross23 Scammer

    Profile: Fte2
    Report(s): Chriscross23 Scammer

    Profile: Young Dolph
    Report(s): Young Dolph

    Profile: Crispy
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Req by Spyike - Ban Evasion
    Scammer - Crispy
    Cripsy Scamming
    Crispy (looks like $6 for another cape) (repaid)
    Ban evader.. Was Unbanned?

    Profile: ScamReporter1012
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Mentor
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: ban evading: Conviction

    Profile: Merv
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Octangle
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming
    Profile: Zupa
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Scamming
    [Paypal]Epic Lvl 69 [AddyGloves][Firecape][DT][12m] ($20 aud)($16) (repaid)
    Zupa Scammer (not enough proof)

    Profile: The Online Gangsta
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Awnser
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Conviction
    Report(s): Conviction The Scammer 62m ($93) (repaid)
    Reported Post by kill3r 2785
    Ban Evader
    Conviction scammer (no proof)
    Convict Scams (proof) (no proof)

    Profile: SoulSinner666
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Cs4
    Report(s): IP check

    Profile: RsAccSale
    Report(s): Report a scammer ($4) (repaid)

    Profile: TheBlackRunescape_Hunter
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Ban evasion
    Possible Ban Evader

    Profile: Unranked
    Report(s): Reason for the ban: Ban evasion

    Profile: HunterAppealAccount
    Report(s): Skull Me BB requesting a pardon for Ban Evasion - Scamming

    Profile: Tootsie Roll
    Report(s): NA

    Disputes/Pardons: PurpGreen Banned
    PURPGREEN account recovery
    Purpgreen Pardon
    [5/5]Purpgreen 2nd Request for Pardon for Vading
    Purpgreen Second Pardon attempt [waited 6 months]
    Purpgreen requestiong Pardon for Evading/Scamming
    PurpGreen Banned
    Crispy =[
    Drake banevade
    Unban Leet Drake Application
    Response to SkeleMaster
    Wrongfully banned
    Ban evasion? I think not..
    Numba 2
    Ban Evasion - Need an Understanding Answer
    Ban Evasion - Need an Understanding Answer
    Crispy =[
    Unregistered Crispy
    Banned =\ Crispy
    Zupa 2 (Replying to Pen)
    X m4g3 x is telling the truth here is proof
    TheBlackRunescape_Hunter banned for Spamming-Retry-SORRY

    Off-Site: PurpGreen offsite report that appears inconclusive

    As there are no debts and no signs of evasion this can now move into voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
< IronMerc requesting a pardon for scamming | No home IP TWC >

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