Setting up Invison Community or vBulletin or XenForo forums at very good price.

Discussion in 'Digital Currency and Non-Game Sales' started by anhil, May 27, 2023.

Setting up Invison Community or vBulletin or XenForo forums at very good price.
  1. Unread #1 - May 27, 2023 at 12:47 PM
  2. anhil
    Jan 26, 2023
    Sythe Gold:

    anhil Active Member

    Setting up Invison Community or vBulletin or XenForo forums at very good price.

    Setting up Invison Community or vBulletin or XenForo forums at very good prices.

    I can setup the latest Invision Community or vBulletin or XenForo for the creation of a forum.

    I work at good very good prices.

    I will just setup the latest version of any of those.

    The price depends based on what you want me to do and how advanced the forum/board should be.
    The more you pay the better it is and the more features it has. I will install anything you want on them.

    I won't design logos, you need logo designers for those, I can put the logo you have from another logo designer on the forum, but I won't design any logos or any graphical stuff, I just setup the boards.

    Contact me anytime and I will begin work immediately, I will use hosting of your choice where the forum should be hosted online or I will recommend you some hosting providers where you can host your forum myself.

    The more expensive plan you take the better, you can see all of it there, it's where your forum is hosted and the forum plan you choose from the forum software providers themselves.
    Contact me if you need my services for online forums creation.

    My price is exactly 500$ for the setup/creation of any forum excluding the required software/hosting bills and everything and I will work very fast so you don't have to wait too long for the forum to appear online on the internet.

    The 500$ price includes only my work and not the software itself for the boards, so you can look at 500$+ - 1250$+ or it can go higher depending on how advanced you want it to be.
    For prices of the software itself used for the creation of the forum forums see the following links...
    Any additional Applications or Plugins for the forum itself cost extra and can be seen inside the admincp or where plugins are located on the software vendor site itself.

    Things we need:

    1. Hosting (paid monthly, quarterly, or yearly) up to you
    2. Domain name - make sure you know a name already when you contact me (example:,, make sure you already know the name before contacting me.
    3. What the forum should be about, don't ask me for suggestions. Make sure you already know what it should be about.

    Software of your choice that we will work with, see pices here:

    Get into contact with me on telegram or via PM.
    Get into contact with me easy via telegram:
    Telegram : @cleardoubt2023
    Thank you!

    You can earn money this way with forum rank upgrades payments, donations, ads, whatever, as long as people sign-up on your forum and is popular and you always post content and stuff on it you should be earning some good money. Same as any other forum...

    Things you need:
    Credit Card or Paypal or both to be sure (for the forum software/license itself, paying for it) with money on it - PRICE DEPENDS totally on how many features/plugins/and upgrades the forum should have, it can range from 500$+ to 1250$ or more. They have a lot of plugins/features and stuff
    Bitcoin or Ethereum or Litecoin or any other cryptocurrency which is on, and it must be supported by for exchange - 75 (for paying me for the work, I will work very fast)

    For the 500$ I offer 3 months assistance if you need sometimes or if you have any questions for maximum of 2 hours a day included in the 500$ price. If you pay extra I will work full time to assist or implement anything on your forum. 2.50$ for every 1 hour of work which is extra. I will also teach everything about admincp (admin control panel) usage in those 2 hours, and it should be easy to teach you, aswell as phpmyadmin administration of the forum.

    You can extend the 3 months period of time of assistance by paying 200$ for every additional 3 months or pay 10$ per hour if you need less than 3 months.

    If you run into trouble and the forum has any problems and it goes down I offer 9 months warranty and always instantly contact me and I will make your forum back up and running free of charge.

    Please keep backups at all times of your forums, make a backup at least every 1-6 days so you don't loose any data and store them securely. I will show you exactly how to do that.
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