Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

Discussion in 'Report A Scammer Archive' started by Asianonlol, Jan 11, 2022.

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Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan
  1. Unread #1 - Jan 11, 2022 at 3:43 AM
  2. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    So basically I was a rank in the dicing clan "Gem Bets". Gem Bets is a gambling cc in runescape where you can play old games that dicing clans use to host like dice duels, flower poker, roll high/roll low and so on. I joined gem bets around August of 2021, and everything was good. I would log on, take some bets and log off.

    When you host, if you got a big bet for example 500m, you would split that bet up between other hosts. Meaning if host A took a 500m bet, he could offer host B 250m of the bet. If host A won the then he would keep the 500m and give host B 250m. If host A lost the bet, then host B would trade host A 250m and then host A would pay the bettor out 1B gp.

    When I joined in August, i was a bit inactive but became a lot more active during September and remained active all the way until I was booted out. Thc is the owner of Gem Bets, and the one who i feel wronged me and many other people. From the beginning of September to about the middle of September, i would frequently host with Thc's friend and then roommate Ginge. Ginge and I were the same rank, which was a 2 bar or 100m max rank meaning we could take a max bet of 100m. We would frequently split bets of say 50m or higher like most hosts do.

    Around the middle of September if i remember correctly is when Ginge got 2 rank upgrades(likely for free). Ginge's max was 100m but after the 2 rank upgrades it went from 100m->200m->750m instantly. This is very unusual to happen, as each rank upgrade is roughly 1B-1.5B. Normally what you would do is you would upgrade your rank and pay the 1b-1.5b and then once you've made money, you'd upgrade again.

    After Ginge got the rank upgrades from Thc, he stopped splitting out bets for the most. It's very strange for a host to go from splitting out 50M bets to then taking 500m-750m bets and soloing the bet. Another very strange thing that happened when Ginge got his 2 rank upgrades is that his win rate on larger bets shot up incredibly to roughly 90-95%. Something that also didn't make sense was when Ginge would win a massive bet, he would always give Thc a cut of the profit even if Thc wasn't online. The same thing would happen each time a bettor came and placed a large bet. The bettor would type the command in cc and their roll would appear. Then there would be a lengthy pause of 20-30 seconds, and then Ginge would roll and almost all of the time win. There was 1 occasion where Ginge took a 700M bet and he beat the bettor by rolling a 5 of a kind on flower poker. I've hosted for 1 year and i've seen 2 or 3 5 of a kind's rolled in flower poker total.

    Now this went on for some time.. 1 1/2 months-2 months to the best of my knowledge before i actually went to Thc and asked him why Ginge just doesn't lose any big bets. His response was "He's making up for everyones losses on Ocb(a massive bettor)". I just shrugged it off at the time and just kept hosting.

    About a month later, and it was still the same thing non stop.. Ginge would take 500m-750m bets, he would solo them, and he would win... and win.. and win. I'm not going to lie, I have seen ginge lose, but he would only lose if he had already made money from that session and he would never go in the negative. To give you an example, i've seen EVERY host lose money for the day or even the week. But since Ginge was given 2 rank upgrades, he just hasn't lost money.

    Thc didn't really host often himself, because he got paid from other hosts through dailies and monthlies. Dailies are paid by each host every day they log on and amount to 5M per host. Monthlies are paid on the 21st-22nd of each month and it is mandatory for each host to pay in order to keep their rank. Monthlies range from 100m-360m per host depending on what rank they are.

    In early December, Thc posted in our staff chat that he lost i believe $2500 to crypto. Shortly after that, Thc began hosting for 8+ hours a day. The story for Thc and Ginge are very identical... They just don't lose big bets. He may lose a 20M bet or a 50M bet, but if there is a 500M bet then it is very unlikely that he will have to pay the bettor out.

    Throughout the months of seeing Ginge and Thc winning so much money while virtually losing nothing, I talked with other hosts who I felt I could confide in. Guess what? I'm not the only one who noticed... Other hosts in the same dicing clan "Gem Bets" noticed that they hardly ever lost big bets. I will attach some screenshots of ex/current hosts who acknowledge and agree that the owner and his old roommate just don't lose for some reason.

    That is why I believe they are running a rigged CC. The other hosts seemed normal. This is a dicing clan with approximately 56%-58% odds in most games, and even with those odds you will win some and lose some.


    The other issue i have is I was booted from this CC with no warning. In mid December, i posted in our staff chat that i was thinking of opening a middleman service for deathmatching. Deathmatching is when 2 players of identical stats and gear fight eachother with no food and whoever is left standing gets to keep the other persons gear. Deathmatching has been done for quite some time now, and has just been apart of PVP for ages.

    I've been very actively PVPing for the past year now, and it just seemed like something that I thought I would enjoy doing. What I am upset about is that I was booted from Gem Bets without as much as a simple message saying "This isn't allowed".

    When I had the idea to start this, I posted in the Gem Bets staff chat to see if others wanted to join me and to get advice from my fellow hosts as well. Looking back, if it was against the rules, then all I would need is for Thc to tell me so and then I could have decided if i wanted to stay in Gem Bets or start up the deatchmatching clan. But instead what i got was a message one morning saying "You've been deranked for being ranked in another gambling server".

    Going into this, I just thought that I was offering a service. We had other hosts who had different servers that sold gold and accounts etc so I didn't think it would be such a big deal. Well, it cost me my rank in Gem Bets which I believe was 1.7B.

    To go in depth a little more about the service we offered with middlemanning. What would do is we would have Player A and player B trade the MM collateral incase one of them scammed during the fight. As long as neither player A or player B scammed, the collateral was refunded. Also, if player A and player B wanted to add gp to the deatch match, they could do that as well. In exchange for providing a safe transaction between the two, we would keep 2.5%.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I will provide some screenshots below. Some names may be blurred out because they are still active hosts at Gem Bets but I can provide the unblurred images if requested.

    Thc - Rage THC
  3. Unread #2 - Jan 11, 2022 at 3:50 AM
  4. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    I have roughly 10 images i'd like to post but not quite sure how to post them. Could anyone please PM me and let me know how to do so? <3
  5. Unread #3 - Jan 11, 2022 at 10:33 AM
  6. Rage THC
    Oct 17, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus

    Rage THC [GemW302] #1 Gambling CC
    Rage THC Donor

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Absolute load of crap. Was deranked for being ranked in another gambling server with 2 other who were also deranked. As for ginge not that’s it’s any of his business but ginge went on a payment plan to pay me his rank price. And as for saying my bot is rigged how pathetic and sad. We’ll all make more with reputation over scamming. I have a full list of host rules. Asian got refunded one months monthlies then got petty and started asking for stupid things like membership codes that he’d given for spammers for the clan chat. Then last night after all of their bettors at their new cc get banned he come at be trying to get this “1.7b” back saying he felt done over. Upon purchasing a rank a new host is sent a list of staff rules which does include at the top of the rules a message saying. “You have 1 hour to get a refund from your rank if you change your mine, ranks are not refundable” also I’d like to add as for me “making monthlies and daily’s” not at all, they go back in daily stream giveaways, adverts etc, not that I have to explain myself. Any question feel free to message me :)
  7. Unread #4 - Jan 12, 2022 at 1:52 AM
  8. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    If I left voluntarily or was deranked for a legitimate reason then i believe the rank should be non-refundable. But, as i said, I was booted out with no warning. I don't see what we are doing as "gambling". We're running a service so that those who want to death match remain safe. That's why i've brought it here brother. No hard feelings, I just don't think I was treated fairly. I have screenshots of a conversation with one of your managers saying that he thinks I was kicked because of lava. Also, I have screenshots of one of your other managers calling me a slanted eyed gook because I decided to take this to sythe. Also, my kids are slanted eyed gooks because of this whole ordeal as well.
  9. Unread #5 - Jan 12, 2022 at 5:07 AM
  10. Rage THC
    Oct 17, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus

    Rage THC [GemW302] #1 Gambling CC
    Rage THC Donor

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    If one of my managers has said something like this to you and you haven’t brought it to me to deal with that’s your issue, and I can only apologise for their attitude. From your time in GEM you know it is one of our rules that we do not stand for any form or racism amongst other things. Yes you may be trying to make people safe. But it is commission based fights which are a 50:50 gamble. In the staff rules it also CLEARLY STATES IN CAPITALS that if you’re ranked in another gambling server you will be de-ranked. Let alone working along side staff who are scammers and thieves also, you guys even took on someone who you KNOW exit scammed over 5b+ when he left frost bets. @Lavas has had not one not two but multiple scam reports against him that I see he is trying to rid himself of with a Sythe appeal at the moment and after recent research I even found a website that he previously ran to scam people that are trying to buy gold. He will always try to scam if given the opportunity as history has clearly shown and you chose to go into business with such a person. This, coupled with the fact you are in another gambling (50:50 odds fights) CC and management there is the reason I had to make the unfortunate and hard decision to de-rank you with us at Gem Bets. It is also may I add, amusing of the timing you chose to put this report up. When your business has now been clamped down on from Jagex and all your members, bettors and hosts banned. I would take an educated guess on the fact you now have nothing, you are butt hurt and have the free time to try throw shade at me.
  11. Unread #6 - Jan 12, 2022 at 5:18 AM
  12. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    This is one of the managers of Gem Bets response to me trying to get compensated for what happened. couple of hours after i posted the report on sythe... I was harassed by MULTIPLE managers. These are the guys who are meant to handle issues in the clan itself. Yes, I am Korean. I couldn't let him know that his harsh words affected me because then I would have gave him satisfaction. But this is disgusting. I told some of his other managers what was said, and they basically told me that they didn't care. He's also talked about my children... referring to them as "slanted eyed kids". I have more videos to upload from his other managers.

    I don't think how I talked was appropriate either i'm not justifying that. But I didn't go out of my way to message anyone, flame them, and then talk about them and their kids like they were minority garbage.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  13. Unread #7 - Jan 12, 2022 at 5:19 AM
  14. Rage THC
    Oct 17, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus

    Rage THC [GemW302] #1 Gambling CC
    Rage THC Donor

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    As just stated. Something I’ve been unaware of until now. And I will deal with this accordingly. Thanks
  15. Unread #8 - Jan 12, 2022 at 5:36 AM
  16. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Sports guru was a host at the time this message was sent known as AlilShy

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  17. Unread #9 - Jan 12, 2022 at 6:04 AM
  18. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    This is a current host in Gem Bets. Can provide unedited version to any mods. Would rather Thc not see this as he's still a current host.
    Ginge rolled a 5 of a kind in flower poker on a 500m bet here. I've seen thousands of flower pokers this year rolled, and 2-3 5 of a kinds have hit. Someone hitting a 5 of a kind on a massive bet is like winning the lottery.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  19. Unread #10 - Jan 12, 2022 at 6:09 AM
  20. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    So, I assume the "rig" has to be turned on. Something very common happens every time I believe the rig is turned on. The bettor rolls their game such as dice duel/flower poker etc. The host is then suppose to immediately roll after. What happens though is there is a 20-30 second pause, and then ginge/thc roll a 12/12 on dice duel. It happens so often when in reality, there is an 8% chance for it to happen. In the pm's with 77RNG, I predicted the outcome of the bet to him, and of course it happened. The outcome i predicted on a normal untampered with game is VERY VERY rare to happen.
  21. Unread #11 - Jan 12, 2022 at 6:14 AM
  22. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan


    This is me messaging Thc months ago about how his friend ginge has an unbelievable win rate when it comes to big bets... This has went on for 4 1/2 months now. Ginge does not EVER go down money when he's suppose to only have about 56%-58% odds. Every host is suppose to go down at some point.
  23. Unread #12 - Jan 12, 2022 at 6:18 AM
  24. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    This was the pm I got from Thc when i was kicked from Gem Bets. This was the "hard decision" that he had to make. There was no discussion. There was no conversation to even figure out if i was in a "gambling cc". He seen someone he didn't like was in the cc, so i got kicked. 2 weeks before we started our middleman service, I posted about it in Gem Bets staff chat on discord. It was posted for everyone to see. I wasn't hiding anything... I was asking people their advice and to see if anyone wanted to join our service. Other hosts have other discords that offer services as well, so I genuinely didn't think it would be a problem.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  25. Unread #13 - Jan 12, 2022 at 6:49 AM
  26. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    One last thing I would like to add. This is another one of the managers in Gem Bets. He is not saying "You were in a gambling cc, that's why you were deranked". He's saying you were in a cc with someone who was dnt'd on sythe(a long story, but thc is the reason why he is dnt'd and I believe the dnt may be lifted soon because the full story was told) and that's why I was deranked. Not only that, but Thc and the guy that benda is talking about are not on the best terms. So in all honestly, I'd guess that was the real reason why i was kicked.
    ^ Sjors likes this.
  27. Unread #14 - Jan 12, 2022 at 7:29 AM
  28. Rage THC
    Oct 17, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus

    Rage THC [GemW302] #1 Gambling CC
    Rage THC Donor

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Right? I have no control over who wins what games, all games and rules are stated in cc. Hosts win, Bettors win. Hosts have a small host edge like in any real life casino. As you know some bettors have won $1000's from hosts in a matter of minutes. The most legit dicing CC's have always been Gem Bets and Frost Bets as we modelled everything from Frost where we mostly came from, even frost himself came over. Same person in stated pictures was also paid out a 10b payout too as I remember them winning it on myself, and the exact same person who won the 10b is also now one of our hosts! This was only one of many thousands of big wins from bettors I can recall. As you even said "this year" the longer you're here, the higher the hands you'll see rolled, same for amount of time spent online. I even remember everyone getting cleaned by this exact bettor, yet you're surprised when eventually the host edge pulled back and someone out of the 20 of us won money? Can even see another staff member in the cc at the time saying i've seen you win a lot though". This would be the same as me taking pictures of just losses from a website and claiming they're rigged?

    As for you talking about finding out if it was a gambling cc, i actually kept eyes on it for 3 days and watched you taking bets before making my decision. I know you stated in our staff chat that "You are thinking of setting something up" But you never came to me for a discussion and so there is nothing I can do now about the final decision that has been made, especially when updated host rules were sent to everyone's private messages directly.

    These screen shots are nothing more than assumptions and don't prove anything, I have bettors tell me it's rigged towards hosts and hosts telling me it's rigged towards bettors, its part of gambling.

    In your report, you've added "Alilshy/SportsGuru" so does that also mean you're saying his word should be trusted? If that is the case, the scamming swap server from reddit was 110%? Because I remember you being very keen to be on DMM a lot of the time, oh roughly the exact time that happened funny enough, meanwhile you, lava and shy were also very close, often doing private discord calls to split amongst yourselves to avoid splitting in other hosts, and now recently there's been a video of the cc you either are part owner or high ranked at (Gold Star) a video of it scamming 14b. Been told the video is fake, but coming from someone who knows (an ex video editor) and knows what client was being used and there is NO OVERLAYS. To which I also have a message of you asian saying "Silver star is 4b max pot" and a message of lavas saying "Silver stars cant host"? So which is it? Your hate for @Lavas for stealing your idea to the point you asked to come back because of how horrible he was to you within the first day? I'm just so confused as to why you're trying to attack us for doing nothing wrong meanwhile your whole cc is run with scammers?

    -Mods/Admins need to pm me feel free to on here or my discord for quicker reply's.
    14B scam vid:
    7B Scammed by TrustedDms
    THC#0420 UID: 880497427059195914

    Staff messaging about you cropping their messages already:
    Timmy being dealt with.
  29. Unread #15 - Jan 12, 2022 at 7:48 AM
  30. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    No, Lava never stole my idea. Lava put in a lot of work, just as Wil did and we turned it into a very successful business where we were trusted with and paid out probably $500k-$1M Usd. If i dug hard enough, I could probably find out who made that video. But you bringing up any of that has nothing to do with this post. This post is regrading a rigged dicing clan and me being wronged for 1.7B. Also, please do not try to tarnish my reputation of being involved in some deadman mode stuff, because you know if I was involved then shy would have mentioned me. Please, focus what we have at hand. There are like 5 hosts who at the time of the messages acknowledged you run a rigged dicing cc. Of course no one wants to bring it up while they're still a host. You have MULTIPLE of your staff members acknowledging that you are running a RIGGED cc and that they believe that you and Ginge are in this TOGETHER.

    Please no more spam. We need a mod to check this out, and then figure out where we go next. If need be, I can probably dig up more screenshots of ex/current hosts acknowledging that Thc's dicing CC is rigged and is therefore stealing/scamming money from others. The proof as to why I think I was wronged out of my rank price(1.7B) has already been posted. If there's anything else i need to post, please let me know :)
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  31. Unread #16 - Jan 12, 2022 at 8:02 AM
  32. Rage THC
    Oct 17, 2017
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Lawrence Extreme Homosex <3 n4n0 Potamus

    Rage THC [GemW302] #1 Gambling CC
    Rage THC Donor

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Messages about "Lavas fucked me" after you told me he "stole" ur idea and ur upset with him and wanted to come back.

    Oh yeah also i have proof he stole ur idea. You showed it to me, i recorded our whole convo on the phone and heres the printscreen of you talking to lavas yourself showing me whilst asking for your rank back.
  33. Unread #17 - Jan 12, 2022 at 8:03 AM
  34. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Sorry one last thing to add... All of these screenshots from other hosts how they are saying the cc is rigged... They are all timestamped to when they were ALL an active host in the cc Gem Bets. I wouldn't want to ask any ex hosts their opinion because more times than not, they wouldn't have something good to say. These are all people who were actively hosting at the time, and therefore have no reason to say that they believe that Thc and Ginge have rigged the cc other than to tell the truth. It is very frustrating to see someone win 90%+ of their 100M+ pots knowing that it is scamming/stealing. Sports Guru/A lil Shy is a known scammer now, but at the time the screenshot was taken, we all liked him and respected him. He had no reason to bad mouth Thc or Gem Bets other than just him telling the truth.
  35. Unread #18 - Jan 12, 2022 at 8:09 AM
  36. Asianonlol
    Dec 9, 2020
    Sythe Gold:

    Asianonlol Member

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    At the time, I feel like Lavas was screwing me over. But it just got all of us to work harder, and i'm glad that it worked out that way. I was upset for an hour because i thought i was getting kicked out of my own clan. You guys asked me to spy and get "proof" that lava scammed someone, and i told you to piss off and i wasn't getting into your drama. This is also why I think that you kicked me. You had such a vendetta against him, and it shouldn't have affected me.

    Again though, the purpose of this thread is not about Lava, our service that we offer, or anything of that nature. This is about a RIGGED dicing cc and me being wrongfully kicked and losing my 1.7B rank.

    Yes, I remember showing you my screen with lavas. I genuinely thought I was being removed from a group that I started. Anyone would be upset if they thought that was happening. That wasn't the case though obviously. We made a lot of money, were trusted with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and have a loyal customer base.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2022
  37. Unread #19 - Jan 12, 2022 at 8:13 AM
  38. Zora
    Feb 16, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Shuppet Verified Ironman Tons of Damage Easter 2022 March Madness Member of the Month Winner Pidgeotto
    Nitro Booster (4) Homosex Easter 2023 (2) The Glizz Poképedia Pokémon Trainer (2) Two Factor Authentication User Christmas 2024 Staff of the Quarter Winner
    Starmie Halloween 2024 (2)

    Global Moderator Nick Legendary CDT Leader

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    I've closed the thread for now to prevent further spam.
    If you have something important to add that hasn't been said on this thread already, you may PM me.
    ^ President and Rage THC like this.
  39. Unread #20 - Jan 15, 2022 at 4:04 PM
  40. Zora
    Feb 16, 2015
    Sythe Gold:
    Vouch Thread:
    Click Here
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Shuppet Verified Ironman Tons of Damage Easter 2022 March Madness Member of the Month Winner Pidgeotto
    Nitro Booster (4) Homosex Easter 2023 (2) The Glizz Poképedia Pokémon Trainer (2) Two Factor Authentication User Christmas 2024 Staff of the Quarter Winner
    Starmie Halloween 2024 (2)

    Global Moderator Nick Legendary CDT Leader

    Gambling cc owner running a rigged dicing clan

    Thank you for your patience.

    Two allegations have been made in this report.
    The first one is that this gambling clan/discord is rigging bets. I have reviewed the script and haven't been able to find any reason to believe it's being rigged. The examples you've presented could have been luck, cognitive bias or framed.

    The second allegation is that you have been wrongfully demoted. You have agreed to the ToS that specifically state ''You cannot be ranked in any other gambling clans as staff, in any way at all.'' If this rule is broken, you may be demoted without your 'deposit' being returned. You state that you are part of a 'middleman service'. Although what you do is partially considered middle-manning, it is also considered a gambling Discord. Customers come to your Discord with the intention of gambling money, and your Discord ensures that these bets run smoothly. Your demotion is therefore justified.

    Feel free to make a new report if you come across new evidence.
< ZapGoldSales impersonating attempt | Dupe pets OSRS/Grateful having two active Sythe accounts >

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