Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

Discussion in 'RuneScape Miscellaneous' started by Snowboard-Ninja, Apr 10, 2009.

Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]
  1. Unread #1 - Apr 10, 2009 at 11:08 PM
  2. Snowboard-Ninja
    Oct 11, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Snowboard-Ninja Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Guide To [​IMG] Runescape Accounts


    I am getting sick of all the fake information spreading around the internet about
    different types of rare accounts. I dedicate this guide to rab, a good friend - and
    the best moderator Runescape has ever seen. Good luck with WoW man!


    Examples of rare accounts:
    • - Account with war_ship(s). $???
    • - Account with scythe OR bunny ears. 25 USD+
    • - Account with 9 Hitpoints. 5-30 USD
    • - Player Moderator Account. 1200 USD+
    • - Forum Moderator Account. 850 USD+
    • - Player/Forum Moderator Account. 5000 USD+
    • - Account with 1-8 Hitpoints. 1200 USD+
    • - Stat Wiped level 3 acc's with "impossible" quests done (eg: d-slayer, scorpion catcher, etc) 1-150 USD
    • - 10hp, with a 99 combat stat. 100-400 USD
    • - 1 Word Name ie: Golf, Hat, Top, Hair, Eat. 10-300 USD
    • - 1-2 letter names. 20-300 USD
    • - 10 spaces in name 10-50 USD
    • - Love-by-all names, ie "123456789", "Chuck_Norris", "qwerty". 10-300 USD
    • - Runescape-related rare names, ie: "Santa_Hat", "Soul_Wars", "level 3". 10-250 USD
    • - Any account in the First 2000 Players to Ever Play Runescape List 50-300 USD
    • - Untrimmed Slayer & Summoning Capes 300-400 USD


    Commonly Mis-Understood-As-Rare Accounts:

    • - Account with untradeable rares OTHER than war ship & holiday items, ie: stackable cup of tea.
    • - Accounts with a few extra spaces, ie: "Y_ _ _ B _ _ NM".
    • - Names of words with Leet-speak, ie: "4ss".
    • - Level 3's with hard quests done, ie: lost city, shilo village, icthlarin's helper.
    • - Funny names, ie: "In_Yo_Face".
    • - random 3 lettered names, ie: 3f0.
    • - Accounts with RS2 holiday events, ie: chicken suit, scarves, marrionette.
    • - Swear Names, ie: Ass_Face, F_U_K_Me, Dam_N.
    • - Rare names with an add on, ie: Damny, HelloU, etc.
    • - Names of ammounts of GP, ie: 124m, 87gp, 82m.
    • - 13 letter usernames


    How Rare Accounts Came to Be

    • 9 Hitpoints:[​IMG]
      This is probobly the most contriversial of all rare accounts. The most common beleif of these accounts is that in rsc 10hp was 1000 exp, and in Rs2 Jagex upped the exp to each stat. This is NOT TRUE. 13,034,431 exp has always been level 99. 1,154 exp has always been level 10. What really happened was up until late 2001, Jagex didn't have a ban system. All Jagex had was a tiny caged room in a basement where rule-breakers would go, known as the black hole. This ban system was updated in late 2001, and anyone caught using third party programs had their account's stats wiped and they were banned. This was used to clear the hiscores. All accounts wiped (other than accounts caught botting the first day of update) became 1000 hitpoints exp [9hp] when Jagex started massive unbannings in 2004.

      1-8 Hitpoints:[​IMG][​IMG]
    • This is probobly the rarest type of account on Runescape. The first day of the updates stated in 9 hitpoints explanation; Jagex had wiped all accounts to 0 hitpoints exp. The only account known that is still currently in use is "Life_Hated", known more popularly among the internet and his website G4HQ as Cmd19872002.

      Player/Forum Moderators[​IMG][​IMG]
    • These types of accounts are extremely rare because most blackmarket traders, just can't help but cheat; which Jagex staff do not tolerate. Player Moderators came out in late 2003, and forum moderators in early 2004. A few months after forum moderators came out Jagex staff would only allow you to be one or the either, but a few people who had already had these accounts still are active. A few months before summoning came out, Jagex staff made player moderators register via mail, to make their accounts more secure. "Life_Hated", and a few other crackers had made programs to recover accounts using popular recovery questions, sending in tons of appeals. They got access to a few player mod accounts and Jagex staff decided to put in-place this mail-in system. They would send you a pin-code via mail and you had to have it into the website by a certain date or you were demoted. Also if you had more than one player moderator account you had to choose which one to keep. Now if any player moderator account gets stolen all they need to recover it is the pin code. The letter came with a poster of summoning, which was a sneak-peak since Jagex hadn't released the fact that they were working on a new skill yet. Each player and forum moderator has a group they belong to called their Q.A. team. Every few weeks they have a Q.A. event such as clan wars, where only player moderators are invited and they get to ask Jagex moderators questions they have received from players. It was a common event for the old Runescape Glitching website "" to host events where they would crash Q.A. events. It was quite funny to see because there was always a back-up locations in-case we got caught by a random noob - and these guys would show up at the new location and J-mods would be like "WTF IS GOING ON!?" lol. In the Mod center there is also a form to request other player moderators, and a message system to contact a Jagex staff member with a personal response.

      [​IMG]Stat-Wiped Accounts with Impossible Quests:[​IMG]
    • As with the 1-9hp explanations, this type of account was also caused by stat wiping. When Jagex stat-wiped an account they wiped it's bank, inventory, and stats. One thing they forgot to wipe were the account's quests. As there were around 70 quests back then, there have been level 3's with all f2p quests (other than Rune Mystery which came out later on), and a bunch of p2p quests done aswell. One of the most popular of these account's name is "Sooty"; a 9hp account with Dragon Slayer and Lost City banners, who also happens to be on the first 2k players list.

      Accounts with 13 letter usernames:
    • Jagex made a mistake in late 2001 with their account creation system and allowed 13 letter usernames to be created. All of these accounts were permanently banned; and if you hear of anyone selling an account like this - they are a scammer.

      Multiple Spaced Usernames:
    • In the same update where Jagex allowed 13 character usernames, they also allowed multiple spaced usernames. This mistake wasn't fixed by Jagex staff till players started using this to scam and not get reported in 2004. These accounts are still fairly common other than 10 space usernames, which is the max ammount of spaces in a name.

      War Ship Account:[​IMG]
    • In RSC you could go to gnome stronghold and in part of the quest you could buy a war ship. War ship was useless but like the toy horse, you could play with it. This item was discontinued when Runescape 2 came out; no-body is quite sure why - but it led to this being the most rare item in runescape. Right before Runescape 2 became Jagex's permanent MMORPG and all accounts had to choose to transfer to RS2, two players named "Dylock" and "Kaitnetiks" both learnt a way to duplicate items using the trade system. The glitch was leaked and the price of all rare items dropped extremely low in value. The war ship, being untradeable AND not rare to the knowledge of other players, became the rarest item in the game.

      Nontradeable rares[​IMG][​IMG]
    • There are many myths among the internet of items such as "stackable cups of tea", "Pink Party Hat", etc. These are all myth. The purple party hat was magenta in rsc, and known as pink among traders. In rs2 all items graphically changed and magenta became purple. Back in RSC party hats were named "Party Hat", and did not have their color in the name. The war ship is the only untradeable rare; Jagex make sure to delete anything that comes up. The only other nontradeable rares are holiday items, but the only ones even close to rare are Bunny Ears and Scythes. Bunny ears and scythes are not extremely rare, because quite a few players got them; but it was quite a few years ago - and not every player in runescape got them as everybody ofcourse wanted one. This event only lasted one day, unlike the other events.

      1 letter names:[​IMG]
    • The minimum ammount of characters for a Runescape account was 2 until the Username update that caused 13 character usernames and multiple spaced. This was never fixed, and if it was - nobody knows because every 1 character username was taken immidiatly. There are still quite a few 1 character username accounts active.

      Rare Names:[​IMG]
    • Nowadays when a new website comes out people struggle to get the rarest names possible. Back in 2001 that was not the case. It wasn't till around 2002 that this new fad came in, and the struggle for rare names on Runescape happened. Most of the rare names these days have been stolen using bruteforce crackers, which test out popular passwords to accounts. Also alot have been bought off websites such as sythe, and there are very few legit rare name owners left out there.

      Accounts in First 2k Players List:[​IMG]
    • When a stat came out in RSC, while runescape was being updated the new stat would show up on hiscores and it would show the first 2000 to register, all having level 1 in the stat. Gugge, one of the 7 people with access to Runescape previous the beta (Andrew, Paul, Ian, Rab, Merlin, Lightning, and Gugge) saved this data to his computer and later gave it to Silverion, who being the creator of the first Runescape fansite ( posted it on his own website. The information was leaked all over the web after that and is in the forums of pretty much any fansite. I created 7 accounts in the list, including #32 and #223; which I still own.

      Untrimmed Slayer/Summon Cape:[​IMG]
    • This is getting more and more common, but there are a few of both types of accounts. Players use cannons, etc to try to become lowest level possible with 99 slayer. First person to do it was named Slayerbelle. People also use this method to get 99 summoning. Lorica was the first person to own an untrimmed summoning - one of slayerbelle's multiple accounts. The next so-called impossible feat, that is yet to come; is 99 slayer at level 3 combat. The closest person to this goal is "Herb of Fail" who is 82 slayer, at the time of me writing this. Herb of Fail also owned the first level 17 account with dragon armour, at 10 hitpoints; long before soul wars came out.

      Banned Word Accounts:
    • The most rare type of this account would be ones with "Mod" stated at the beginning of the name. These are rare because throughout runescape's history Jagex are constantly taking away words they might find offensive, or claiming to be Jagex staff. Swears are also included, as there was no filter when RSC first began. infact the very first filter ever used in Runescape, made any sentance that contained an offensive term would just come out as "Cabbage!". This caused cabbage riots, and a cabbage obsession through runescape for quite awhile, including the "OOC" (order of the cabbage), a clan which had a sole purpose to collect as many cabbages as humanly possible. They would then bomb popular areas of runescape, with tons of cabbages. Their leader I think ended up with 7 Million cabbages before the clan disbanded. Before I get too off topic I better shut up right here though LOL, I hope you enjoyed my guide.
  3. Unread #2 - Apr 10, 2009 at 11:46 PM
  4. joetehhoe
    Feb 10, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    joetehhoe Active Member

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Awesome guide mate ! Very good explanations . never knew about a warship lol .

    Anyways , nicely done ! 10/10!
  5. Unread #3 - Apr 10, 2009 at 11:53 PM
  6. Runescape Blows
    Jun 6, 2005
    Sythe Gold:

    Runescape Blows Apprentice

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Nice guide, never knew about the 13 char thing. Everything else yea :p
  7. Unread #4 - Apr 11, 2009 at 12:03 AM
  8. fr0styb0w
    Jul 2, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    fr0styb0w Forum Addict

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Great deal and awsome guide, this really helps :D! 10/10
  9. Unread #5 - Apr 11, 2009 at 12:05 AM
  10. Snowboard-Ninja
    Oct 11, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Snowboard-Ninja Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Thanks guys :eek: ^_^
  11. Unread #6 - Apr 11, 2009 at 12:28 AM
  12. Burden
    Dec 30, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Burden Apprentice

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    This will be locked/moved, posted in wrong section.
    What not to write guides on:

    * RuneScape / FunOrb

    Nice guide for people who don't know it already, very informative and in depth.

    And BTW, try adding pictures from the RS wiki to improve it a bit.
  13. Unread #7 - Apr 11, 2009 at 12:30 AM
  14. xxxegoxxx
    Jan 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    xxxegoxxx Forum Addict
    $5 USD Donor

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Really decent guide 10/10!
  15. Unread #8 - Apr 11, 2009 at 12:55 AM
  16. World Domination
    Apr 9, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    World Domination Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Good guide. I really hate it when idiots claim to be selling a rare account when the name is like: "7f9".
    9/10. (Nothing's perfect)
  17. Unread #9 - Apr 11, 2009 at 1:19 AM
  18. hawtdawg95
    Jul 25, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    hawtdawg95 Active Member

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    wow, really interesting, alot of stuff i didnt know
  19. Unread #10 - Apr 11, 2009 at 1:40 AM
  20. Graham
    Mar 21, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    Graham Forum Addict

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    That was pretty impressive in converse with what I thought it would be. When I clicked on the thread I thought it was going to be some stupid question or poorly worded guide. Some of that information is quite intriguing- I didn't know that they allowed 13 and 1 letter usernames at one point due to a glitch. Pretty interesting guide ^_^
  21. Unread #11 - Apr 11, 2009 at 2:04 AM
  22. R33l2r3al
    Jul 7, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    R33l2r3al Grand Master
    $5 USD Donor Retired Global Moderator

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Posted in the wrong section, No runescape guides in the UE. This has been moved to the correct place...
  23. Unread #12 - Apr 11, 2009 at 2:36 AM
  24. Vic
    Apr 21, 2005
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Unique ID:
    Discord Username:
    Two Factor Authentication User Easter 2020 Sythe's 15th Anniversary <3 n4n0 Lawrence Extreme Homosex

    Vic Meow
    Highly Respected Retired Administrator

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    my pure is 10 spaces ;o
  25. Unread #13 - Apr 11, 2009 at 2:41 AM
  26. Snowboard-Ninja
    Oct 11, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Snowboard-Ninja Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Oh thanks for movin' it.

    Yeah I had 3 ten space acc's sold em' 40 USD each ;o.
  27. Unread #14 - Apr 11, 2009 at 2:50 AM
  28. syrianska
    Aug 21, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    syrianska Apprentice

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    thanks mate nice guide
  29. Unread #15 - Apr 11, 2009 at 5:48 AM
  30. Snowboard-Ninja
    Oct 11, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    Snowboard-Ninja Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Thank you ^_^. added pics, hope yall like :)
  31. Unread #16 - Apr 11, 2009 at 7:56 AM
  32. tyty
    Oct 18, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    tyty Newcomer

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Great guide :)
  33. Unread #17 - Apr 11, 2009 at 8:15 AM
  34. killemall6245
    Feb 19, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    killemall6245 Forum Addict

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    very nice guide m8
  35. Unread #18 - Apr 11, 2009 at 9:01 AM
  36. sl0ta
    Jan 13, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    sl0ta Guru

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Nice guide (o_O) 100/10 :p
  37. Unread #19 - Apr 11, 2009 at 10:01 AM
  38. Lukescaper
    Apr 10, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    Lukescaper Member

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    Great guide 10/10 :p
  39. Unread #20 - Apr 11, 2009 at 10:26 AM
  40. The Pin Trad3r
    Mar 21, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    The Pin Trad3r Member

    Runescape Accounts - what is really rare? [GUIDE]

    i will give you a 10/10 i never knew most of this stuff especially about the war ship
< Explain to a returning noob | >

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